application | royal-t


Taelynn Choi





Asianfanfics Username: --chocolate


Profile Link: click here for choco awesomness


Activeness: 8 (on weekdays) 10 (on weekends)



Name: Taelynn Choi -태린 최-


Age: 17


D.O.B: December 5th, 1994


Hometown: Incheon, South Korea


Birthplace: Milwaukee, Wisconsin


Personnality: On Taelynn's bright side, Taelynn is Optimistic and freedom loving. She's always thinking of the bright side of everything, and never thinks of the negatives. Her slogan has always been, "Think of the positives!" She loves to be free, able to do anything she wants. She can't be tied down, to anything. Rarely even love. Which is what makes her so irrisistable to some, (much to her older step-brother's dismay)

She's also jovial, which means cheerful and friendly. She's always happy, and never has a frown on her face and wants to be friends with everyone. If possible, She'd befriend everyone in the world. Her close friends say that she has this aura that draws you to her, and makes you want to be her friend. She's good-humored as well. She has an amazing sense of humor, and is really giggly at times. Sometimes, she'd just burst out into hysterics over absolutely nothing.

Taelynn will be very honest and straight-forward with you. As the saying goes, "The truth hurts!" . If Taelynn thinks you should know something, she will tell you. Even if it may hurt your feelings. Either way, She'll probably try to make you feel a bit better about it, rather than trying to beat around the bush. Taelynn, wether she wants to admit it or not, Is very smart and always thinks outside of the box. She tries to think of unique things that make her stand out amongst a crowd, and she will never, ever try to fit in.

Now, on Taelynn's dark side, She's blindly optimistic and careless. At times, She doesn't care about the consequences of what she wants to do to be 'free', she just does it. Even if it may jeaopardize her dreams. It's her, she can't control it. At times, She's so optimistic to the point where nothing can upset her, which can be very bad at certain times.

Taelynn is very irresponsible and superfical. You can't exactly trust Taelynn with, for example, pet-sitting. She'd most likely forget she was pet-sitting in the first place and go run off to do something else completely unrelated. And, once you confront her about it, her answer will always be, "I forgot!" She can be a bit superficial at times, and very shallow. She's like a little rich girl sometimes, she always has to have what she wants. Always.

Taelynn's also very clumsy, and very accident-prone. No one really trusts her with valubles, because, it's a high chance that'd she will break it. The only thing that she hasn't broken was this pure glass and diamond heart necklace her mother gave her before she passed away. Taelynn wears it almost like a choker around her neck and she promises to never take it off. Taelynn cannot be held down by boring things (e.g., meetings, press confrences) She'll start the squirming, tapping, and asking stupid questions.





Ulzzang name: Choi Jong Mi


Ulzznag Pics: 01 02 03 04 05 06


Back-Up Ulzzang Name: Choi Seo Hee


Ulzzang Pics: 01 02 03


Tattoo, piercing, birthmark etc. : Taelynn was told before her mother passed that she could never have a tattoo, So, she's following her mothers words. (Taelynn's mother is the only person that could ever tie her down) But, she does have a birthmark in the shape of a snowflake, on her inner thigh. No one ever sees it, unless she's wearing a swimsuit.




Ideal Type: Taelynn's ideal type is someone who loves her dearly, and won't tie her down. He has to be sweet, loving, and knows how to take good care of her and can comfort her whenever (if ever) she's sad.


Favourite Color: Anything bright and glittery is her favorite color.


Best Friend: B.A.P's Himchan, Himchan finds Taelynn's optimisim to be a huge mood booster, as does the rest of TS Entertainment. She's also fairly close with Sunhwa and Jieun from Secret.


Likes: Bright, Glittery Colors, Oceans, Traveling, Getting to the middle of things, Freedom, Candy, Singing


Dislikes: Off the wall theories, Being tied down, Being constrained, Too many details, Boring places, Dull colors, Sushi and Spicy Food


Hobbies: Decorating things, Making her own merchandise for B.A.P, Secret, Untouchable (she plans to make the merchandise for Royal-T aswell), Singing, B-Boy Dancing, Making YouTube videos (she's a youtube regular)


Habits: Whenever feeling bored, she always starts asking the leader of Royal-T stupid questions

She takes up the whole bed when sleeping

Singing EXO's History whenever she wakes up in the morning.




Love Interest: Yoo Youngjae


Personnality: Youngjae tends to get very shy around new people, mainly because of the fact that he stands out the most in B.A.P. He doesn't have a nice body, like Yongguk, He doesn't have the best face like Himchan or Daehyun, He can't dance as well as Jongup, and he's not as adorable as Zelo is. But, He does have one thing, That's his voice. He depends on his sweet and soothing voice to bring him up in the popularity rankings in B.A.P because, honestly, Youngjae isn't the most liked. Most say it's because of his 'baby fat'. Some say it's because he's always hidden in the back.

Around friends, and label-mates, Youngjae is known as the brain of TS Entertainment. He can be a bit vain and a complete know-it-all at times, wether he can admit it or not. He thinks he knows almost everything, and likes it when people ask him things so he can go into Youngjae's Explanation Corner.


Interaction Together: Youngjae's often paired up with Taelynn whenever TS Entertainment has activities together. A lot say that they would be the perfect couple, simply because their so opposite.Taelynn finds Youngjae to be very cute, and loves to sing with thim. (the two plan on singing a duet together) and Youngjae likes to (playfully) mess with Taelynn, just for her reaction.


Back-Up Love Interest: Choi Junhong (Zelo)


Personality: Zelo acts a bit like a robot at times. He's very limited with what he says sometimes, and tries his best to be as respectful as he can with his noona's and hyungs. But, sometimes, things often slip out. Zelo's a cute guy, who really wants to stop his puberty. He thinks he's a bit tall to only be 15 (for goodness sakes, the guy is 5'9") but, he doesn't let that get in the way. He likes for his fans, and certain noonas under the label to call him 'Oppa', even though he's the youngest in TS right now.


Interaction Together: Taelynn likes to have fun with Zelo. She gets a long the best with the maknae, because both of them are freedom-loving and fun-loving. The two often go to the park with eachother, and skateboard with eachother aswell.






Stage Name: Auroral (another word for bright)


Position: Lead Dancer, Vocal


Back-Up Position: Main Vocal





Dance Link: 01 02 03


Singing Link: 01 02 03


Rapping Link: 01 02 03 

(taelynn cannot rap at all, no matter how hard she tries)


Training Years: All together, She trained a total of 6 years. 3 under YG and 3 under Cube



Question ?, Comment ?: Hmm..I believe that's it. Oh! And just an addition, Taelynn is Minho (from SHINee)'s american half-sister. Her mother divorced Taelynn's father and married Minho's father. Taelynn's mom passed away when Taelynn had just gotten her acception letter into YG.


Scene Request ?: I'm not sure if this would be too angsty, or sad. But, I'd like to request a scene where Taelynn comes home from her job (before becoming a trainee, she worked at a small cafe in Incheon) and she gets her acceptance letter into YG as a trainee. She runs home, to tell her mother, but she comes home to find Minho's father crying, and Minho standing at the door waiting for her. Taelynn wants to go and tell her mother that she was accepted, but, Minho informs Taelynn that her mother had lost her 3-year battle with Cancer and passed away. Which is why Taelynn currently works really hard and tries not to let her irresponsibility and her carelessness get in the way.


Fanclub Name Idea ?: Something like 'Crown's or 'Kings and Queens'. or, 'Princes and Princesses!' that's way cuter, right? Ahaha. Just as a caution, I'll be glad to draw you some merchandise for Royal-T. I could make maybe fan necklaces, or rings or something that the fans could wear, and you could use it on the story. I'm not sure if I could make t-shirts, It honestly depends on how my father lets me. Ahaha. Thank you for letting me apply, Fighting to Royal-T! <3


-Thanks for applying. ^^



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