Resisting my temptation.

My exams are going on these days. 3 down, 2 to go. Tomorrow I have one. And after a couple of days of  study holidays, which I'm sure I won't be using it to the fullest, given my carefree and idle and uninterested nature towards studies (Yes, I hate studying T_T), I have my last exam on the 2nd of November.  And I'm now resisting my temptation to read fan fictions. This is so hard. >_<* 

And hence, I'm writing this blog in the middle of studying while struggling myself with my cravings to read stories! -_-"   ARGH.



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Hahahahaha XD
Haha~! True that!...But playing is fun...Gosh, as I get older I start to sound more like a lil kid. Well whenever I clean it ends up 1000 times worse! XP I think everyone thinks twice before asking me to help clean! Haha~!
^^<br />
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Haha draw pictures in the dust? You're supposed to clean it! Not make it worse and play! XD Hahahaha <br />
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Yeah!! Hehe XD
Haha~! Your most welcome! ^^<br />
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I'm glad you liked my studying tips~! Haha~! I tried to motivate people in my Japanese class because we were all talking about chores and how boring they are, so I was fully like... "Do a funny dance while sweeping the floor or draw pictures in the dust when dusting~!"... They all thought I was weird...=___=" <br />
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Anyways, yeah, I'm SO happy my computer is fixed~! I can download stuff~! XDDDD
Thanks a lot! :D <br />
I'm sad that it's been quite sometime since you updated, too! <br />
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Hehe okay. But you know, I sit in front of my computer and study and my desktop wallpaper has Key on it most of the times! XD Hehehe So, yeah I look at him. ;D <br />
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Hey, no. You told me well. ^^ Thanks again. <3 <br />
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YAY! Your computer is fixed!! :D That's great! <br />
Haha no problem. XD
Good luck!!! FIGHTING!!! Study hard so you can read fics again... To be honest, I'm kinda sad now because your like my one reader who always comments and makes my day~! Thanks and I hope you do well on your exams...<br />
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I KNOW!!! Here's my No1 tip for studying...or doing anything (Dw, I hate studying too~!) <br />
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Anyways, my tip is.... Try and make it fun~! Like...Um... do a funny dance while studying or something...Or stick a pic of Key in front of you so he can...inspire you to study?...<br />
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Ok, well that probably didn't help at all...and probably just made me sound like an idiot... Well anyways, GOOD LUCK!!!<br />
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OH!!! By the way... MY COMPUTER IS FIXED!!! YES~!!! And sorry for the major spammage here~! \^-^/
Aww, thanks a lot! <3 ^_^
jkt245 #8
Good Luck with studying!~ I hope you get really high marks :)