An innocent face may mask an ugly nature apply


Application form
~Personal information~

Real Name: Crystal Matsua

Stage name: Cha Yuki


Birthplace: San Francisco, CA

Ethnicity: Japanese and Korean.

Blood Type:

Language spoken: Japanese, English, and Spainish

Picture For cha Yuki (

,,  ulzzang name joo hyun-ho

picture for Crystal matsua,,  ulzzang: Kim Shin Yeong






Personality : I'm person who a dreamer and believes in herself. I can be really random and have arkward moments but i'm a serious person who trys her best no matter what. i'm down to earth, i'm cutely arkward and random. i'm the peace keeper type. i'm like this because of all of the people who help build me up. mainly because of my mom and older brother. i believe evryone is important no matter what their past is . My brother made me the arkward and random type. I believe you should meet a person before you judge them and get to know them compelely. i have a big heart. im very clumsy, i get it from my mom. 


Past : Born in San Francisco, raised all over the world. Never had any true friends back then. I lived with my brother as well. I had a tough childhood so i became mute for alittle while until i my brother sang to me. he took me with him to his concert when i was growing up. then i began to dance and i fell in love with it. So i studied in dancing. and i used track to escape the world.

Family members: Aiko Matsua( father 46): CEO. he a good father when he tries he does love his family. he works hard to support all of us he loves to spoil his daughter when i let him.  Cha Mi-suk(mother 42): dance teacher  She the best mom and dancer  in the world to me she can be clumsy though very clumsy for that matter. she works really hard to suport my dream been with me since step one   Yuya Matsua (Half Brother 21): Jpop star, he was the one who mainly raised me. he a good brother, he good to his fans too. he very protective of me, he my hero, he save me when the world didn't notice me

3 things you like: Anime, Reading, and Running 

3 things you dislike: spiders, liars, and erts

3 hobbies : runs track, dancing and drawing

3 habits: dances in sleep. laugh uncontrollably when sleepy, always writes in english then translates it to korean

Your motto: Don't wait for someone to tell you your good, know your good and believe in yourself


~Group informations~

Reason why do you want to take revenge on celebrities: Because they look at us fans, like were nothing and we are just worthless groupies who don't have a life or any talent. And they think they are more important then us in the world. someone need to get them off their high horse .

Persona :  happy-go-lucky person



Position:Main dancer/maknae


Trivia (anything you think I should know or it's important): favorite animals: wolves

favorite ice cream: rainbow sorbert

idol crush GD for girl/ Dara for boy

Favorite colors: Purple and shocking pink 

can play the fluet. piano, clarinet, and violin


If you're not picked as a member would you like to be manager, choreographer, stylist or vocal/rap teacher?

yeah that sounds fun too.


Pick your bias: Lee Sungjong: INFINITE 

Thunder: MBLAQ


Yang Yoseob from b2st/beast

Pick 2 idol friends: Nana from after school and Minzy from 2ne1




nope thank you for reading my post 


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