Going on hiatus


Hey everyone! If you’re still in high school like I am, I’m sure we’ve all started by now. I’m in my senior year now and my workload is heavier than ever. I’m still thinking about my requests and the fics I have that are ongoing. However, until my schedules empties up a bit and until my workload lightens up, I have to go on hiatus. Sorry! But when I get back here’s what I still have to fulfill:

  • Chen request
  • Cakes Redux (wrapping it up in about 9 chapters)
  • Xiumin request
  • Lay mini-fic
  • DO fic
  • Kai mini-fic

Those are the definite things on my list, but if things work out with my notes and my plans, Suho AU fic, Sehun oneshot, and “Pulling Plaits” sequel might get thrown into the mix. Ok, thank you!


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It's all good! Go - focus and work hard on your studies, hehe. We're all supporting you >uo
Fighting :") I support u
Haven't logged in for a while... And now that I have, this is what greeted me. I wish I could give you some of my free time... Apparently, I have too much of it. (ㅍ___ㅍ)" Although I understand that you're busy being a senior and stuff (been there, glad to be done with it), It still bums me that my closest author friend won't be around for a while. Hmm.. Nah, it can't be helped... But I do hope that you'll enjoy your last year in hs.. Have fun and don't let the pressure consume you, Em... Oh, and I'm gonna miss you... ㅠAㅠ
Hope you'll be able to okay with the workload. Don't stress too much, and remember to relax when you can. Okay Emma? Okay. :D we shall be waiting :3
Don't worry Authornim, finish you're stuff so you don't get too stressed out! We'll wait patiently!