{ MYSTIC } Application



Username + Link:Kimjade

Name: Jade






Name: Kang Jang Mi

Age: April 21, 1991 / 21

Birthplace: Gwangju, South Korea

Hometown: Gwangju

Ethnicity: Korean

Language(s): Korean (fluent), English (basic), Cantonese (conversational)

Bloodtype: B





She is cool and reserved, not someone who really laughs out loud. She has a lot of self-confidence but she doesn't wear it on her sleeve. She is a quiet but wise young woman with the ability to see past peoples words and read their eyes.
She holds back from being too friendly with the members because she is less socially articulate and she likes to hide behind her intellectual persona.

She has a graceful charm and a sharp wit that lets her speak eloquently and get her point across. She doesn't like to argue so if she cannot reason with someone through words she will ignore them. She has a very mature manner even though she is only 21. She has almost no temper at all.
She is like water how she lets things flow off her and she follows along well, but she also can rage like the rapids when her members are doubted. She has strong convictions and a caring heart.

She was born on the outskirts of Gwangju, a place that has such beautiful scenery, that it has inspired poems. Her Father was a scholar who taught her how to behave with manners and dignity. Her Mother taught her the ways of a home maker and how to be loving and compassionate. She grew up with these lessons and strove to become someone her Father could be proud of. She had many cousins and she was always envious of them for their dancing ability, so she took up ballet. After that she got to go to a performance school in Seoul on a scholarship. She took classes with some girls that were big into MBLAQ because of Lee Joon and she got caught up in it as well and decided she wanted to pursue that avenue. But she was worried about her Father so she hesitated. Her Mother found out about it later and talked to him and he told Jang Mi to do as she wished. She auditioned with three of her friends and made it to the end alone. 

*The ocean
*Cool summer nights
*studying other groups dances and choreographing better ones
*Learning new things/very curious
*Talking with others about serious issues
*Speaking to the elders and seonbae's of the business for tips and tricks

`Rude people
`The word collections
`Loud mouthed people
`Being told she can't do something because she's a woman
`Disappointing her Father


-Choreographing dances
-flower arrangement
-writing poems and turning them to lyrics

=She throws her hair over her shoulder when she's doing stuff like reading
=She chews on her thumbnail when shes thinking/daydreaming
=She washes her hair twice and combs conditioner through it before rinsing
=She taps her lips with her fingertip when she's watching dance videos

/Being abandoned
/Being embarrassed publicly and shaming her Father
/Bugs flying at her face

•She's never been on a date
•She knows how to pickle and can foods and make jam
•She's been cooking since the age of five with her mother
•She has the secret recipe of her village back home that makes the best kimchi
•Her favorite color is blue and violet
•She likes to be really quiet and sneak up on people
•She loves to choreograph dances and has even gotten praise from Eunhyuk Seonbae
•She hates clowns and they really freak her out if they get too close
•She has an obsession with shoes, her only weakness
•She loves being onstage with everyone and dreams of being a part of SM Town




Ulzzang Name: Park Soo Yeon


 1  2  3  4  5  6


Back-Up Ulzzang Name: Do Hwe Ji


1   2   3


At Home
At Home


Height: 168 cm

Weight: 48 kg



Your People


Kang Jung Min / 47 / Scholar  & village mayor/ Father; They have a very good relationship, he is very loving to her.
Jin Myeong-Ok / 43 / Housewife / Mother; They have a supportive and sweet relationship.

Best Friend(s):
Bo Dal Soo / 21 / Student / They are very good friends and have been since Jang Mi took ballet with her.
Lee Min Young (Min) / 21 / Lead vocal: Main dancer of miss A / They have an okay relationship that boarders rivalry.
Kim Ki-Bum (Key) / 21 / Vocalist : Lead Rapper of SHINee / They get along well, they go shopping together often.


Rivals : Min /21/Dancer & vocalist in miss A / Because they are so close they have a friendly rivalry they compete with each other.



Love Interest


Name: Kim Jun Myeon / Suho

Age: 21

Personality: Exo - K's leader is very polite and considerate. He has a calm and warm personality. He has a quick, bright and agile mind, but an extremely short attention span. He is known for his versatility and adaptability. He has the ability to adapt quickly to new situations. This allows him to gain plenty of friends and social connections from all walks of life. However, intimacy doesn’t come easily to him. Chatty, inquisitive and quite playful, he enjoys practical jokes and games in general, so he enlivens any kind of social gathering. He is quite clever, witty, and enjoys intellectual conversations.

Relationship with character : Friends

How are you around each other? They are very open to eachother about some stuffs but they don't talk about relationships with each other. They hang out and have fun but they are reserved infront of others.

How you met : Well they are of the same company, but they didn't know each other well. They would see eachother around but never really talked until they got locked in the practice room one night. She had gone back to get her bookbag and he was still practicing. They greeted eachother but didn't speak until the lights went off and the door slamed shut locking them inside. They spent two hours in the room until a giggling bunch of Exo members let them out. They hadn't known she was there, only that Suho was still inside and they wanted to play a prank on him. They went to eat in the meantime. After the two got let out they banded together to pay-back the four guys that had locked them in there and grew closer after that.


Back-Up Love Interest: Wu Fan / Kris


Personality:He is known to be sociable and is looked up to as an elder brother. He is an innocent, obedient and naive boy. He loves to read, is calm, and has a sense of responsibility. Words that best describe him are; Cool, serious, observant, proper, warm-hearted, caring, sometimes child-like. He's one of the laziest guys in Exo-M and he is very much into fashion. He  cares a lot about his appearance.





Position: Lead Vocal/Main Dancer

Singing links : 1   2   3

Dancing links : 1   2  3 

Rapping links : 1  2

Back-Up Position: Sub Rapper/ Lead Dancer

Stage Name: 장미 Jangmi

Persona : The Rose
(because it's her name and because she is like a rose, pretty and full of thorns)

Individual Fan Club: Butterflies




*Comments: I hope you like her. This story sounds fun, and I have just gotten into Exo recently.
**Also here is a link to an album of pictures for the ulzzang Park Soo Yeon. They are all I could compile so far.**

*Questions: Will there be break up's?

*Scene Request: Maybe a scene where Jangmi kicks him in the shin because she finally loses her patience and he laughs while holding his shin because he made her crack.

*Album Song Request: Kara's Step or Mister




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