Ѵenus Application~


Application Form

-Hwang Li Ara's application-





Hello, you are...?



Username: SiwonsGirl96

Nickname: Jessica

Profile link: HERE

Activeness?: 10



About Me



Name: Hwang Li Ara

Stage name: LiLi, LuLu, Lyrix(her friends call her that because she's always got a notebook and pencil with her to write down lyrics)

Persona: Hot Mess/Flaming Innocence (whichever one you like better)

Age: 18

Birthday: (December/2/1993)

Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan

Hometown: Yongin, South Korea

Ethinicity: Half Japanese/Half Korean


  • Fluent:
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • English
  • Conversational:
  • Taiwanese
  • Mandarin



How I Look



Ulzzang name: Jung Roo/Lee Eun Hye (same girl; Jung Roo is her ulzzang name)

HQ Pictures: 1 2 3

Back-up: Kim Shin Yeong

HQ Pictures:  1 2 3

Style: LiLi wears many different styles of clothing. She wears what fits with the weather, and always has something beautiful on. Her style would be labeled as casual but sometimes party-animal. LiLi has a unique type of dress that shows off her shape and looks beautiful from angle.

  • Casual: 1 2 3
  • Formal: 1 2 3
  • Dorm: 1 2 3
  • Training/Practicing: 1 2 3
  • Party: 1 2 3

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 53 kg

Extra: Pierced ears.



Who I really am




         Hwang Li Ara is a party-girl with big-city blood running through her veins. She doesn't do aegyo all that much, but she certainly has her charms. What really lures people into liking LiLi is her gorgeous, bright eyesmile and her long, silky hair. Not only is she beautiful, but she has a body to die for. Her long legs and petite waist make her an all-around attractive girl. LiLi loves more than anything to sing and dance, along with writing lyrics. Her dream has always been music, although she does well in school too. Not quite being the tyical bookworm, there is one thing can distract LiLi from her studies and music; parties. Growing up in a big city made LiLi the fun, care-free party-animal she is today. Partying, music, and her school studies are a lot to juggle, but she manages with confidence and determination. This bold girl's confidence is enough to make the lights fall off the stage because she shines more than enough by herself. The guitar and microphone have always been LiLi's two favorite instruments, along with her dancing sneakers. Her friends respect her obsession with music, and are always there for her no matter what. LiLi is the exact same way; she's probably one of the best friends a person could have, because of her protective and caring nature. Laidback and easy-going, LiLi is a very fun person to be around.

         Bold. Creative. Defiant. All these words are perfect for explaining the type of teenage girl LiLi is. Not growing up with much discipline, LiLi got used to speaking her mind and keeping her head held high, so that no one could knock her down. Being self-conscious was never a problem for her, and neither was standing up for what she believes in. Open-minded and competitive, the confident girl was also loud and cracked cheesy jokes, but the way she expressed them made everyone around her laugh anyways. With such an expressionate face, LiLi had been told many times that she could be an actress, but she didn't think so, because of her rebellious and independant traits flowing through her body. Li Ara is one of the only girls who had such a distinct, bright aura that attracted much attention. Don't get me wrong, LiLi is friendly, it's just that she doesn't trust easily, and she doesn't take anyone's crap. She's not the most cheerful person, but she doesn't mope around either. LiLi's just an audacious, sassy girl who will let no one in the way of her dreams, and stick by her friend's sides through thick and thin.

Family members [Parents] :  

  • Father: Hwang Yi Jun || January/24/1968 (44 years old) || Hotel Manager
  • Mother: Hwang Sun Soo || May/4/1970 (42 years old) || Nurse

Family members [Siblings] :

  • Younger Sister: Hwang Sung Joo|| September/8/1997 (14 years old) || N/A

Character background:

          Hwang Li Ara grew up in Yongin, South Korea with her parents and her little sister. Living and growing up in a comfortable home and going to public school, LiLi had a pretty normal childhood, except for one thing. She was mute until she was 11 years old. Why? Because at he age of 2, she was stuck in her room while her parents were away for work, and her nanny left. She cried for hours and hours but no one came. Hungry, lonely, and tired, the two-year old LiLi fell asleep by the open window. She caught a terrible cold which turned into pneumonia. She got so sick that she had to be hospitalized, and she lost her voice. Finally, at 11 years of age, one of her best friends, Jonghyun, had given her the courage to try and sing. After not even speaking a word for 9 years, LiLi's melodic voice sounded through the deserted choir room as her vocal chords moved.. matching the harmony with Jonghyun's voice perfectly. LiLi knew that the one thing she wanted to do from then on was sing.

          SM was holding winter auditions in Seoul when LiLi had just turned 16. Feeling confident and ready to showcase her talents in front of the SM staff and judges, when her name was called, she walked out onto the stage and sang her heart out. It turned out her best efforts were enough to make the rough cut. SM accepted LiLi after they saw that her dancing talent was just as good as her singing talent, if not better. Feeling that the prestigious, lovely girl would make a phenomenal idol later on, they brought her into their midst where she trained for two years. Working on her third year as a trainee, LiLi felt as though she was ready to debut with new friends and begin living her dream.


  • Ice Cream
  • Shopping
  • Comedy Movies
  • Reality Shows
  • Sunny/Snowy Weather
  • Christmas
  • Beanies
  • Turtles
  • Jokes
  • Perfume



  • Romance Movies
  • Cheesy Pick-Up Lines
  • Bats
  • Arrogance
  • Coffee
  • Tests
  • Anchovies
  • Smudged Windows/Mirrors
  • Wind
  • Thunderstorms



  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Writing
  • Stargazing
  • Swimming



  • Bites her fingernails when she's nervous.
  • Gives the silent treatment when she's angry.
  • Tends to drink and go to parties when she's upset.
  • Plays with her hair subconsciously.
  • Chews gum when she's anxious.
  • Squints one eye when she's tired.


  • LiLi is afraid of the dark.
  • She believes showing emotions is healthy.
  • Has an obsession with Bubble Tea and Bubble Gum.
  • Loves the colors purple and black.
  • Babies/children are her weaknesses.
  • Volunteers in hospitals whenever she gets the chance.
  • Plays video games in her meantime, especially Pokemon and Star Craft.


  • Singing high notes.
  • Keeping a melody and creating harmony.
  • Composing song lyrics.
  • Playing guitar.
  • Freestyle dancing.



Friends and Enemies




  • Kim Jonghyun || April/8/1990 (22 years old) || Idol in SME; member of SHINee
  • Cho Hee Ra || December/19/1992 (19 years old) || Choreographer


The "Best" friend: Choi Hye Shi || August/21/1993 (19 years old) || Trainee in SME

Rivals: Taeyeon || March/9/1989 (22 years old) || Idol in SME; member of SNSD




Romantic Interests



Romantic Interest: Baro from B1A4

Current status with romantic interest: Close Friends/Party Buddies

How did you meet/How do you wish to meet?: Baro and LiLi ran into each other at a party one time -literally- and Baro, being the funny gentleman he is, helped her clean off her dress, whilst telling her jokes. They instantly hit it off, and decided to go for a drive together. They drove out to the top of a cliff near a beach, where they laid on the roof of the car, looking at the stars and talking all night. The next morning, Baro brought LiLi back to her house at dawn, where she snuck in, forgetting to ask for his number. They hadn't run into each other, or met since then. But after LiLi's debut with Venus, at the celebration party, Baro shows up and they run into each other again, almost exactly like before. But this time, I'm sure LiLi won't forget to get his number. *wink wink*




My Position on the Team



What position would you like?:  Main Dancer - Lead Vocal - Visual




Do you have any questions + Comments + requests?:

Thanks for reading my application!


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No problem! Thanks for opening up this group, it sounds really cool! Author-nim, Aja Aja, Hwaiting! ^__^