Hey guys. Sorry for being MIA for FOREVER.

Where I live, school is starting in a couple days, so I have a lot of mixed feelings. Happy to see my friends, but I also signed up for a LOT of hard classes. :/ On the plus side, in all my hardest classes, I have my friends in! :D This is going to be a great year, I hope. :) My classes are pretty cool too. I'm going to take German! :D If only they offered Japanese where I live. :/ Oh well, I'll learn that language on my own time.

Anyways. Back to more important stuff. A few months ago, Asianfanfics was acting all funky, so I stopped using it and didn't get on it since, well...yesterday. But it seems alright now, so I'm going to try and be more active. :) Expect more updates from me! ♥

Now, the most IMPORTANT thing I have to say. Ahem.

If you've got a Facebook and you love anime (more specifically GORGEOUS anime guys ;D) PLEASE CHECK OUT THIS PAGE!!!!!!!!!


If it gets more likes and shares, I SWEAR I'll be more active! :) (Bribary is what it has come to...) ♥



Have a great day! ( ^-^)/) )) ♥


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Oh yeah!!! :DD That's so cool!! You're lucky!! ^^
KAwaii_aKumA #2
Hai!*puts hand up again* I can teach japanese!