❀Heaven On Heels❀ Application~


♥Heaven On Heels♥


Aff Username: SiwonsGirl96

Profile Link: HERE


◄ The Angel:

Name: Lee Rin Yung

Nickname(s): Peanut (because of how small she is), Riachu (due to her wierd obsession with Pokemon)

Stage Name: Rinny

Position: Lead Vocalist/Lead Dancer

Age: 21

Birthday: February 8th, 1991

Ethnicity: Korean/Taiwanese

Birthplace: Taiwan (doesn't remember which city due to an accident)

Hometown: Mokpo, South Korea

Languages Spoken: 

  • Korean (very fluent, primary language)
  • Taiwanese (fluent)

Blood Type: B

Personal Fanclub Name: Halos

Personal Fanclub Color: Turquoise


  • Desserts, especially ice cream
  • Playing games
  • Acting cute, but only when she wants something
  • Big dogs
  • Princess stories
  • Pokemon
  • Beaches
  • Summer
  • Snowflakes
  • Pumpkin pie
  • Juice (orange juice is her favorite)
  • Making lunch boxes for her friends
  • Being organized
  • Blogging
  • Breakfast food
  • Stuffed animals
  • Plants & Flowers (her favorite flower is a Lily, which matches her bright personality)
  • Collecting CDs
  • Vocal lessons
  • Being stylish
  • Photoshoots



  • Seeing others cry
  • Being yelled at
  • Horror movies (she gets frightened easily)
  • Getting in trouble, although she does quite often
  • Airplanes
  • School
  • Coffee
  • Mismatching outfits
  • The color brown
  • Vanilla flavoring
  • Banana milk
  • Competition
  • Seeing happy families
  • Hospitals
  • Catching a cold


  • Singing
  • Dancing
  • Writing
  • Blogging
  • Sightseeing
  • Shopping
  • Stargazing
  • Running
  • Growing flowers
  • Climbing trees
  • Jumping on trampolines
  • Ice skating


  • Plays with her hair subconsciously
  • Sleepwalks
  • Chewing bubble gum
  • Blinks a lot when she lies
  • Hugging (she's very friendly)
  • Losing her appetite when she's nervous
  • Yawns in stressful situations

Random Facts: She...

  • Got into an airplane crash when she was around 6, and barely survived with a serious head injury. She doesn't remember any of her life in Taiwan.
  • Lost her father in the airplane accident.
  • Is set on finding the world's prettiest sea shell.
  • Loves to play with fire.
  • Doesn't eat raw fish.


Favorite Color: Purple


         Lee Rin Yung isn't the typical run-of-the-mill happy-go-lucky type of girl. She's extremely patient and doesn't get angry easily. Being relaxed all the time makes her a very easy person to be around, and also very fun and humorous. Although she cracks jokes and plays the nothing-can-bring-me-down character, she also has a deep sadness hidden in her heart from the plane accident and losing her father. Not only has she lost her father, but she can remember the faint image of a boy, a boy who was her only friend in Taiwan, whom she had to leave behind when moving to Korea after the plane accident. Not quite remembering his name, she didn't expect to ever find him again. But little did she know, that one day, her and Sunggyu would find each other again, in the most unexpected place. Rin Yung has many secrets, but acts as if she's an open book. Her vocals and dance skills prove to be quite amazing, due to the fact that she'd pushed and tried as hard as she could all her life to improve her natural talents. When she sings, her voice is angelic. She doesn't sing very loud, but her high-pitched, beautiful voice can project across a stadium if she wanted it to. She writes her own lyrics a lot, and composes piano music to go along with it, never being very good at guitar.

          Although Lee Rin Yung seems like the ideal type of 'sunshine' girl, she also has somewhat of a dark side to her. She's not moody, at all, but there are times when her happy guru shuts off and her troublemaking side takes over. She isn't what you would call a 'risky' type of girl, but more trouble-making, danger-prone type of girl. Althoough she doesn't exactly try, when she's in a bad mood, she usually takes it out on herself by getting hurt in dangerous situations or causing trouble for other people. This doesn't happen very often, but she feels it's just an effect due to her emotional scars from the airplane accident.

          Matches. One thing that no one should EVER give Rin Yung, because she likes to play with fire, but she's not the most graceful girl. Playing with fire has always been interesting to her, and fascinating as well. She loves to watch flames whipping in the wind, and wishes she could control it. Since she can't, she pretends she's a fire-bender, but fails miserable and sometimes starts small fires.

          Even though Rin Yung is clumsy, she's almost too graceful when it comes to the dance floor. Her ballet skills exceed that of many famous ballet dancers, and her hip-hop skills could give Michael Jackson a run for his money. She puts her heart into every dance move she makes, with confidence so high that she never screws up. She's not perfect, because she does make mistakes once in a while, but not very often at all.

       Another highlight of Rin Yung's personality is her stage presence. She has the confidence and courage to face any crowd, and perform her heart out. Singing ballads has always been a favorite for Rinny, although she loves hip-hop and fast dances as well. The most unique and treasured feature about Rin Yung, is her out-of-the-ordinary beauty. She's not pretty like other girls are pretty, but her breath-taking eye-smile and big, whole-some eyes make her a beauty amongst crowds, and a favorite amongst the guys. She doesn't take advantage of her looks, however, only using her aegyo when she needs to. She doesn't try to lure guys in, but they seem to find her attractive aura alluring and blinding.

        With her brother being so tall and built, everyone who meets her has a hard time believing she's related to him, due to her small and petite figure, being short as well. Rin Yung doesn't look a thing like Donghae, but they do have similar personalities. Donghae often told Rinny she was adopted when they were young because they looked absolutely nothing alike. But later on, in her teenage years, her small body proved to be very strong yet wanted by most girls, and lusted after by many boys. She doesn't expose her  body all that much, due to her modest and preserved style.


◄ Wings Fit For You:

Ulzzang: Baek Ji Eun

Photos: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Back-up Ulzzang: Lee Eun Ji

Photos: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7

Height: (cm) 156 cm

Weight: (kg) 47 kg

Casual Style: 1 2 3 4

Formal Style: 1 2 3 4

Training Style: 1 2 3 4

Dorm style: 1 2 3 4


◄ Family&Friends:


  • Lee Min Kwa
  • Passed Away


  • Lee So Ran
  • 49
  • Foreign Languages Teacher
  • She is a loving mother who cares for her two children more than anything else in the world, but she is still greiving and trying to get over her late husband's death. Distant and still a little isolated from the world, she is still trying to face the cruel reality whilst still trying to lead a fun, happy life with her two musically talented children.



  • Lee Donghae
  • 25
  • Singer/Dancer in Super Junior
  • Fun, outgoing brother who teases Rin Yung all the time, but loves her very much and would do anything to protect her.

Best Friend:

  • Name: Song Ya Hee
  • 20
  • Song Ya Hee is a cool and collected girl, but has a very shy personality. She only expresses her true self to her close friends, whom know her very well. She has a sharp mouth and an intellectual mind, whod oesn't have to try to do well in school. She's pretty, but almost plain, due to teh fact that she doesn't really try all that much with her appearance.
  • Song Ya Hee and Lee Rin Yung met in gradeschool on the swingset when Ya Hee fell off a swing and Rin Yung used her abilities to heal the bleeding wound on Ya Hee's leg. They grew closer and closer from there.
  • Best Friends/Almost Like Sisters

Close Friends:

  • Name: Park Mi Chong
  • 22
  • Park Mi Chong is a boy who loves to dance. Growing up with Rin Yung, he taught her all she knows about dance, and still dances privately with her to improve her skills to help her reach her dream of becoming an idol. He's a sweet, kind, helpful guy who has always been there for Rin Yung, no matter what.
  • Park Mi Chong and Lee Rin Yung met in gradeschool when Rin Yung was taking dance classes, but couldn't dance to save her life. Park Mi Chong happened to be in the same class, and helped her practice until she got the moves right. They've been close friends ever since.
  • Close Friends


◄ The Devil:

Rival: Kyuhyun of Super Junior

Reason for being rivals: Her own brother, Lee Donghae, because as Rin Yung was growing up, he would always taunt and , but still supported her dreams. He'd had the same dream, and fulfilled it sooner than she had. All through their childhood years, Donghae and Rin Yung only wanted to be better than the other in both singing and dancing. Once Rin Yung debuted as an idol, she knew she could take on the heat of competing against her successful older brother and show off her talents to the world as well.


◄ Special Ability: 

Your Ability: Healing/Summoning

Favorite things to do with your ability:

  • Curing people
  • Healing painful wounds
  • Helping people out
  • Messing with her brother by summoning him at random times
  • Wishes she could bring back her father, but knows she can't
  • Summoning and ordering people around with her rare aegyo


◄ Watch Over Me:

Love Interest: Sunggyu

Back up Love Interest: Sungyeol


◄ Other:

Comments, Questions, Concerns:

Password: LeeJoon4Ever


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Thank you!~ I hope you liked the character. :D
yay! XD its good...nothing to fix i think^^