Class 4A Application

Class 4A Application

The Needed Information

Username: DeiDeilove

Name: Park  HeeYoung aka YoHee

Age: 19 Birthdate: 10/1/1991

---- Three P's! --

Personality: A sporty but lazy person when it comes to singing and dancing it is hard to believe its the same person. When meeting new people, she tends to be shy but the more you are around her you she she is actually outgoing and you can't help but have fun around her. She is kind (until you get on her bad side), loves animals and the color pink. She is chill but when it comes to a bad situation she is there to take control, and if you do something to one of her babies (the people she cares about) she will go mother wolf and pick you apart till you cry.  You will never meet another person like her, and when it comes to family she will do anything  for them.

Persona: the chill but strict umma

Position: Lead Dancer, Center Face

---- Other Stuff I Had Just Remembered ---

Appearance: song ah ri


• always calls the people close to her "her baby" even if they are older than her  •can never sit still 

• gets distracted easily

•childish but when the time calls can be mature

•Always focused when it comes to singing and dancing

•practices dancing in her free time

Hobbies:  collects hats, plays soccer, sings and dances, draws


 •listening to music

•playing soccer


•most shades of pink




•annoying/arrogant/cocky people

•people who pick on her "babies"


•people who think they are better than others

--- Socialization I Guess ----

Friends: kyuhyun, Eunhyuk donghea super junior, Doojoon beast, nichkhun, wooyung 2pm, Sooyoung, Yuri SNSD Love

Interest: nichkhun from 2pm

Rival: SNSD's SeoHyun because I am so close to kyuhyun.

Family: park jaebom is a caring overprotective older brother, her cousins are junhyung of beast and zico from block b. The 3 of them are very protective of you because they know that you don't get along with your parents because they have always disapproved of your dream of being a k-pop idol. She currently lives with her brother in soul.   

Extra Info:

Password: highlight

Hight: 175 cm (5' 7")

Weight : 48 kg (105)

Is an amazing dancer because of her friends and family helping and supporting her.She is a blood type is O. She can learn any dance just by looking at it a couple of times, she I amazing when it comes to freestyle dancing. She has shown some of her talents on the street and was in super junior's music video no other and super junior m's video U. When with friends nichkhun and I are the apps and umma with the rest being our "kids/babies" with kyuhyun and yuri acting as the mama/daddy's boy/girl.


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