Fanfic mess... >.

Hey everyone! It's Grace! You maybe read my fanfics, maybe not but it's not the important thing now!

I wanted to thank all of my readers, subscribers and friends! Your support helps me to believe that I'm not that ty writer... Well, though all this mess with my both fanfics on the site, I write another one, but I don't know if I should put it yet! Please, I need your help!

The fanfic is called CROSSING PARALLELS! It has a bit of drama, a bit of comedy, a bit of action and finally love triangle and tragedy! So I need your support... Should I post it?? It is about SHINee, the main character is Minho! It's interesting I hope... So I'll put the description and forward for now... And I need your comments!!!! 

THANK YOOOOOOU! heartkisswinkangel


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