◘♦JEWELS♦◘ Application~



Application Form




AFF username: SiwonsGirl96

AFF link: HERE


Hey, I just met you!

Name: Kwon Sung Moon

Nickname(s): Moon, Star, Sunggie

Birthdate: August|16|1994

Age: 18

Height: 158 cm

Weight: 52 kg

Birthplace: Yokohama, Japan

Hometown: Gongju, South Korea

Ethnicity: Japanese/Korean

Languages: Japanese, Korean, English


·         Bubble tea

·         Bacon

·         Walking at sunset

·         Listening to music

·         Fried kimchi

·         Strawberry milk

·         Wolves

·         Pandas

·         Kites

·         Boat rides

·         Nighttime

·         Exotic places

·         DBSK/TVXQ

·         The outdoors

·         Children

·         Amusement parks

·         Anime

·         Pokemon

-         Smoothies


·         Annoyances

·         Noisy people

·         Coughing

·         Bluntness

·         Rude people

·         Snakes

·         Raccoons

·         Trains

·         Storms

·         Bugs

·         Movie theatres

·         Getting sick


·         Reading

              ·         Singing

              ·         Shopping

·         Dancing

·         Writing

·          Fishing

·         Swimming

·         Firefly collecting

·         Cleaning

·         Swinging


·         Sneezes when she lies

              ·         Giggles when she’s nervous

              ·         Bites her lip often

              ·         Chewing gum

              ·         Tugging at the bottom of her skirt/dress when she feels too exposed

              ·         Taps her fingernails when she’s bored

              ·         Plays with her hair subconsciously

              ·         Mumbles in her sleep

Trivia: She…

·         Once had a pet turtle named ChongHwa.

·         Always needs to be organized.

              ·         Loves watching romance/horror films.

              ·         Addicted to dramas.

              ·         Has never fallen in love.

              ·         Would’ve had a little sister, but her mom had a miscarriage.

              ·         Is a very good cook.

              ·         Can’t stand mismatched outfits.

·         Loves the colors purple, green, black, and red.

·         Loves fruit.


I wanna know YOU more....


                Kwon Sung Moon is the type of girl who doesn’t take anyone’s crap. She’s very opinionated and not afraid to speak her mind. Although she was bullied a lot throughout her school years, she didn’t really care. Everyone treated her for being ‘different’, when in reality, she just wanted to sing. Music is Moon’s one true dream, and she never wants to let it go. Once in high school, someone insulted her for being such an outcast. That was the only time anyone ever saw Moon lose her temper, which resulted in her getting kicked out of school.


                Not only being a badass, Moon was also quite popular with the guys, although many of them to no end. She never even took a second glance at them, knowing that her dreams were more important. Easygoing would be another good word to explain the type of girl Moon is, since she’s normally laidback, yet hardworking. When she tries at something, she never gives up, even if the chance is gone. Working hard for everything she’s ever gotten, Moon doesn’t live off of her parent’s money, considering her family is neither rich nor poor.


                Cutesy and aegyo were never Moon’s thing, but she still has an eyesmile that can dazzle crowds, like a jewel. Her smile is compared to that of diamonds, because it’s so beautiful. Sung Moon doesn’t really dress to impress, although she’s very stylish. She simply wants to look good, so that she can feel good about herself. Being confident, but not arrogant, is the one key thing she never loses when she’s chasing her dreams. Although the tough, quiet girl doesn’t put herself out there, she still believes in herself and always holds hope for the future. She’s almost so silent that people who don’t know her very well would assume she’s mute. Instead of wasting her vocal chords on useless conversations, she puts all of her heart and voice into singing. The passionate girl still has a few close friends though, whom she can tell anything and everything to. This doesn’t even come close to summing up the distinct personality of Kwon Sung Moon, but it hit the main points.



           Kwon Sung Moon was born in Yokohama, Japan, but moved to South Korea right after she was born, due to her father’s business transfer. Being half Korean and half Japanese, Moon grew up learning both languages along with her advanced schoolwork. Moon had always been intelligent, there was no doubt about it. She was taking advanced calculus when she was only in her eighth year of school. But sooner or later, her attention was drawn away from studies as she put her focus on music. Still doing well in school, she took on learning the difficult language of English along with her music studies as well. Moon had taken many vocal and dance lessons through her childhood years until she began teaching herself new techniques on her own to improve her musical talent.


Although music was a big part of Moon’s life growing up, she’d always wished for a dongsaeng. Being the only child and all showed to be quite the lonely life. Her hopes were lifted once her mother got pregnant while Moon was 8 years old, but just a few months before the due date, the baby died. Moon was upset for the longest time before her family started spending more time with her, and allowing her to have friends over. Having some musically talented friends around helped Moon become a stronger and confident person who wasn’t afraid to show her talent.


            Sung Moon had lived always wanting to push her limits, and risk all that she’d worked for to gain something better. Moon competed in many talent shows and singing competitions, winning 1st place only a few times, but that never stopped her from singing in front of crowds. She loved to sing, and she loved when people enjoyed her singing. Along with the life of a singer, Moon also faced her share of confessions. She had never confessed herself, but many guys had confessed to her. Including one of her own close friends, Choi Minho, whom she rejected because she’d always seen him as the cold, arrogant, and sometimes-aggressive guy he is.


            Ever since growing up in Gongju, Moon had idolized one very famous idol from SM Entertainment. Who could that be? Jaejoong from TVXQ had always been Moon’s most treasured idol, as she wished to become as famous as him one day, working in the midst of SME. Not only was Jaejoong her ultimate bias, he was also from Gongju, which was another reason Moon looked up to him so much.


Family Members: Mother &  Father

Father: Kwon Choi Jung|48|Lawyer|Married

Mother: Kwon Yi Sol|46|Café Owner|Married

Siblings: None


Unnie, Neomu Yeppeo..♥

Ulzzang Name: Kim Da Hyun

Ulzzang link: 1 2 3 4 5

Background Ulzzang Name: Kim Shin Yeong

Ulzzang Link: 1 2 3 4 5


  • Outdoorsy Wear: 1 2
  • Dorm Wear: 1 2
  • Casual Wear: 1 2 3
  • Dressy Wear: 1 2
  • Practice Wear: 1 2 3
  • Make-Up: 1 2 3 4


Ready to fall inlove?...

Love interest: Choi Minho|19|Close Friends/Crushing On Each Other

Personality: Choi Minho is a cool and collected guy who doesn't really care about much besides rapping and dancing. His quiet nature and rugged look give him a mysterious aura that attracts many girls. Minho shrugs them off, not really needing anyone beside his side, besides his friends and family. Minho loves to be with his bandmates in SHINee, but doesn't forget his childhood friends either. Although Minho comes off as a mean, ice-cold guy, he has warm, loving feelings hidden deep down inside for Moon.

How did you meet?: Minho and Moon met all the way back in gradeschool due to their music lessons, and they'd grown close ever since.

Background Love Interest: Jonghyun|18| Distant Friends/ Old Crush

Personality: Kim Jonghyun, another member of SHINee, is known to be a huge player. He doesn't take relationships seriously and goes for girl after girl, not really caring about their feelings. This is why when Jonghyun had asked Moon out long ago, she rejected him, knowing she'd get hurt in the end. Jonghyun really does care about Moon, but doesn't know how to stay faithful to one girl. Although he seems like a self-centered jerk at times, his caring and funny persona shines through no matter what.

How did you meet?: In high school, when Minho and Moon were hanging out, Jonghyun tagged along and immediately began putting the moves on Moon. They stayed as friends after Moon rejected him.

Rival(s): Jessica Jung|19|Jessica Jung and Sung Moon had competed in many competeitions against each other, Moon beating her in some, Jessica beating Moon in others. The two ended up going to the same high school and Jessica challenged and bullied Moon ever since they'd met...apparantly on the wrong foot.

Willing to be on STAGE?....

Stage name: Moon

Persona: Intriguing Charisma

Fanclub Name: Shining Stars

Fanclub Color: Bright Yellow

Position: Lead Vocal/Sub-dancer

*Main Vocal

*Main Dancer

*Main Rapper

*Lead Vocal

*Lead Dancer






Wait, Before you leave this page... ^__^

Any scene request? No. ^.^


Fanclub suggestion: Diamonds

Debut album: Shimmer

Comments: I hope you liked my application! <3


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