Metamorphosis Application o u o


ღ My Identity

Name: Lee Sumin

English Name: Charmaine (English name of Latin origin, meaning "sing.")

Stage Name: Charmaine

Birthdate: 15th July 1995

Age: 17 (Korean age: 18)

Hometown: Busan, South Korea

Current place of residence: Seoul, South Korea

Birthplace: Busan, South Korea

Blood Type: B

Ethnicity: Full Korean

Languages Known: Korean (Fluent), Japanese (Basic), Mandarin (Fluent)

Family members: Park Hyosun (Mum - Deceased), Lee Charyul (Dad - Deceased), Lee Minyul (Aunt; Charyul's older sister - Alive)

Your Background Story: Sumin was born in Busan, South Korea. Since young, she was a lively child. She loved to move her body to music and sing. Her parents, however, found that her interest to music and entertainment was a waste of time and wanted her to study properly and in turn grow up to be a successful businesswoman. But Sumin didn't like that idea. She had always wanted to be a singer, watching the many different idols sing so well. They were her role models. She was only able to practice her singing when her parents weren't at home. At other times, Sumin would go to a park near her house and sing out loud there. Sometimes her parents would hear her singing and reprimand her. But Sumin didn't really mind the scolding. It was worth it since she gets to sing to her heart's content. Her mother knew how to speak mandarin, so she would make Sumin practice writing and speaking in chinese. Sumin found it hard to cope with the language at first, but eventually she was able to speak and write in chinese properly. One tragic day, Sumin was out in the park practicing her singing again until one of the neighbours called out to her to tell her the bad news. Apparently, her parents had met with a car accident on the way home and were sent to the nearest hospital. It wasn't known if they were dead or alive yet. Sumin was shocked. She rushed to the hospital immediately upon receiving the news. But it was too late. Her parents did not survive the accident. Of course, the incident made her so sad that she couldn't bear to eat for days. She even blamed herself for not listening to her parents when they were alive. She was eventually sent to Seoul to live with her aunt who was her father's older sister. Sumin's aunt treated her very well and gradually, Sumin got over her parents' deaths. So currently, Sumin is living with her aunt in Seoul.


◎ My Personality

If you would describe yourself in three adjectives, what would it be?: Hyper, Friendly, Charismatic

Personality: Sumin can be described as an overly-hyper and talkative person. If a topic that she is well-informed of is given to her, she could talk for eons on that topic. She is known to be optimistic. Whenever something bad happens, she tries to stay happy and gets over it quickly. Like the incident regarding her parents' deaths. Even though she seems like a person that could never be sad, she is actually very emotional. She gets angry and sad easily. But the thing about her is, even though she gets angry or sad easily, it goes away as easily as well. It comes like a wave. Getting very angry over something minor but getting over it in just a short period of time. Sumin finds that that personality of hers can be good yet bad. But nevertheless, she tries to control her emotions by not getting angry or sad over the smallest things. Other than that, Sumin is able to 'pick up' people's energies, moods and thoughts. This ability serves her well; her intuition about people is quite often correct. Her knack of knowing people's issues before they even open their mouths attracts them to her. The difficulty with this, though, is that she tend to absorb their emotions - negative as well as positive. Well every good thing has a bad side to it, right? People tend to turn to Sumin when they need a shoulder to cry on. Friends turn to her when they are in trouble, knowing that her sensitive and compassionate touch will lighten their load.


- Animals

- Singing

- Little children/babies

- Making people laugh

- Eating

- Playing computer games

- Watching her idols sing on TV


- Fishes (especially those big ones in the aquarium)

- People telling her what to do

- Things/people that interrupt her when she is singing

- Insects (flying ones!)

- Being alone

Neutral: -


- Singing! It is her #1 love. XD

- Small furry animals. *u*

- Wearing caps/beanies

- Watching reality shows that make her laugh till her stomach hurts

Hates with a passion: 

- People poking her sides. It is her weakness. u_u



- Singing in the shower

- Humming to songs in public. XD


❈ My Reflection

Ulzzang Name: Kim Seukhye (Joo)

seukhye1kxt.jpg seukhye2.jpg

Back-up Ulzzang Name: Park Hyemin (Pony)

hyemin1i.jpg hyemin2.jpg


❣ My Partner



Name: Jung Jinyoung

Group: B1A4

Company: WM Entertainment

Back-up partner below. XD


Name: Lee Jeongmin

Group: Boyfriend

Company: Starship Entertainment


➹ My Career

Talents: Piano (Basic), Guitar (Intermediate), Acting (Basic)

Position: Main Vocal & Composer

Special Talents: Humorous - Is the mood-maker of the group, Voice imitations


❦ My Reality

Asianfanfics username: x-fallingpetals

Activeness: 8! 



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