Realizations of a Cluttered Brain

There are things that I do not wish to know. But life is too awesome to allow me such reprieve.

Tobi is Obito. Obito is Tobi. How? OTL

I talk to myself all the time, as if I don't have enough going inside my head, but I hope I do have the answers to my questions.

I take pleasure in doing what others say I can't do. But I also go through great lengths doing things others tell me to.

I wonder if I'm blind or just too stubborn. How can others see or know what lies ahead in front of me, when it is MY path?

I asked Him but is that really His answer? Gah. Obedience is tough.

What I want to do and what I need to do - how come both of you are in the opposite directions?

I now remember dreams I have as a child. I shall write them in my heart. Keep them. So that I will not lose them again just to conform to what is expected of me.

My destiny is laid out already. What it is, I do not know. But I know that I should start walking.

Just as I can't completely understand other people, I don't expect them to understand me. But I am grateful for the acceptance - for accepting what makes me so unique. (It's funny how people expect me to be like them, to think them when clearly, I am not them. They should talk to my Maker.)

Ah. Of course, people would only hear what they want to hear, to understand what their minds can comprehend.

My reality is different from your reality. We may see the same thing, yet perceive it differently.

We dedicate our early years, learning and working, and then struggle to just live a normal life. Heh.

I deserve a pat in the back for being able to keep away from PS for a month now, my laptop too. Such self-restraint. But now that I decide to use it, it throws a tantrum at me. Lol. Murphy's law. At least I have AFF mobile ^0^

Hmmm... I am talking to myself again. I shall talk to Him a little later. We have certain issues to discuss; particularly, 3 dreams I never thought would scare the life out of me. If you must know, this Keeper was so close to getting married in those dreams and I don't dream those dreams. And certainly, I shouldn't be having those dreams.

I want french fries.


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Obito whoops! Autocorrect is on for my iPad....
I don't understand how Tobi is Obiti either...I am so confused right now -_-