Just curious, does anyone else feel this way? (WARNING 5000 PAGE ESSAY AHEAD) well not really. :P

Okay, I have been really angry as of late, and I'm curious to see if anyone had the same opinion. I'm super sorry about the 50 page essay on this. I can't guarantee that this will be worth your time, just sharing an opinion. But please bare with me. It took me a long time to make this too. I hope I don't offend anyone...
As you know, over the past month, "Gangnam Style" by PSY has been immensely
popular, gaining more than 70,000,000 views and #1 on the music charts on YouTube.
But my concern is not the popularity of "Gangnam Style", but WHO is viewing it and what the popularity CAUSES.
Let me explain more.

As you probably figured out on your own, all of the 70,000,000+ views that it has got was not from only Kpop fans, but foreigners who have probably never heard this music before, much less heard OF it. Now, these foreigners, simply upon watching the video, have a much different perception of what the song actually means. Gangnam Style isn't something you use as a replacement for "swag"

-"The Korean slang 'Gangnam Style' refers to a luxurious lifestyle, associated with Gangnam district, an affluent and trendy area of Seoul."

-The music video shows PSY dancing a comical horse-riding dance and appearing in unexpected locations such as an outdoor yoga session and hot tub. The "skewering of the Gangnam image" by the "non-Gangnam PSY" is recognizable to Korean viewers, but not foreigners who have found the video "fresh". That's it. PSY is showing us the complete opposite of Gangnam Style. That's the joke.

Now you see people online abusing the word "Gangnam Style" everywhere. Like I said before, Gangnam Style isn't something you use as a replacement for "swag".

Now, I am perfectly fine with Kpop getting more popular because of PSY and I am actually glad that Kpop is starting to get recognized in the other parts of the world. But now, people are saying they "love" Kpop when the only thing they watched was Gangnam Style. They are ignorant to other groups who they might like, and they are ignorant to other members of 4minute just because "Hyuna was in Gangnam Style, so I like her the best!" And the most annoying thing is that they spread they're useless comments on YouTube. Now, on every 4minute video, or on Bubble Pop!, or even on Trouble Maker's video, all the comments I see are "Gangnam Style brought me here! lol!"

What also is frustrating for me is that, normally, when a foreigner (mostly Americans) is showed a Kpop video, or even Jpop, they will almost immediately respond, "What language is this?" or "Da fuq are they saying?". Then they will criticize how "ugly" or "gay" they look, or the infamous "They all look the same!" . You will know what I am talking about if you watched the video "Kids React to Kpop". Plus, if music is all about the words and what they're singing, then why do people listen to orchestras and other genres of music that don't have singing in them? And it's not like this type of music isn't popular. People would pay a lot of money just to see an orchestra live. Millions of people listen to classical. And a lot of people these days play at least one instrument.
What I am saying basically, is that people are quick to judge things they are unfamiliar with. That opinion might not always be true. But if that person doesn't even give them another chance or even TRY to learn about them, then they don't deserve to know about them. Don't understand it? Search for the English Subtitles. Think they look ugly? Search up different pictures of them (You just might not like their style in that picture or video) If you can't even do these tasks, you shouldn't judge so quickly, period.

Another thing is when people say "Kpop artists don't write their own songs, so they ! Artists in America and such write their OWN music so its better!"
Okay, let me tell you how wrong that statement is.
Just because music artists don't write their own songs, doesn't mean they "". And American artists write their songs as much as Kpop artists do. They are all assigned to record labels and THEY produce the songs. But I'm not saying that ALL American artists DON'T write their own songs. Sometimes they do. Country artists certainly do. And some Kpop artists do write their own songs. Like U-KISS's "Believe" was written by the member AJ.

Sorry, I had to get it off my chest. I've been thinking about it for a long time. So does anyone else feel this way?


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