Any help? (currently writing, but....)

So, life is beginning to go back to normal, and I'm feeling much better as time passes,

I'm newly single and I feel great, and happily writing right now, the only thing is I'm a bit stuck.


Does anyone have any Taemin vids/fics/pics/anything for inspiration? I haven't had any time to focus in on this story I just feel very disconnected, and I want to get in that 'Taemin' mood again! (lol that sounds weird)

Anyways, if someone could help me out here that'd be great, I'm looking at some pics and listening to relaxing music, I just need to get into a more creative mood and visualize Taemin and Ori more.... hmmmm.....

(btw, I will be updating on my Normal and Lunew fic as well, I just thought MBF would be most important.)

Thank you so much for the sweet messages asking me if I'm okay, I really appreciate it! You guys are the best and I feel you deserve an update, I really am trying hard here; I'm realizing that writing is really taking me away from this crappy reality I'm in right now<3


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