I cried so much this morning because...

I'm homeschooled and I should be doing work right now, but I really wanted to read. I found the story "y Police", a story I'd been reading for a couple months now. I saw her story update said, 'I'm sorry I made Key die,' and I was puzzled. Key hadn't died...yet. I was actually behind about ten chapters! Before I suspected anything, I read. I saw how Key became sicker and whatnot, making me realize, he would die. But that didn't make me cry. As I read the scene where Key was giving birth to Hyunki (Jongkey's son), Key began to tell Jjong he was sorry he never told him, and that's when the warm tears flooded my ducts. I couldn't stop. Even after Key died, I was still crying seeing Jonghyun so sad. Soon Jonghyun met "Key", thinking he was his Key. The Key who had died was rarely ever called Key in the story. The Key who Jonghyun met was Jonghyun's caretaker for Jonghyun had stopped eating after his beloved's death. I hope that Key was resurrected, I truly do. I've actually had times in my own life where I feel I don't remember many moments in my life, and I was just thrown into it after someone died. I could be thinking too much into this stuff though... Back to my point. I'm an emotional person, so I cry easily. I remember that one story "We fell in love in a hopeless place". I was supposed to be getting ready for bed, (school night!) and I read it. I was so sad, I cried in the bathroom (on the toilet XD) and I cried while taking my shower! Authors have effected me so much... I get so emotionally attached to something that never even happened in real life... I'm done crying now, BTW. It took me a good hour, but I'm fine.


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