I'm SO sorry guys!

Okay, so I know I've been totally spacy and haven't commnented on much of anything for probably the past month or so. I've had summer classes, driver's ed, and now I'm starting my Junior year of high school and I'm already so overwhelmed I could cry. I'm trying as hard as I can to get on and at least comments on blogs and reply to wall posts but I haven't been able to actually read anything in a long time. I'm literally just watching the number of updates I have waiting go up day by day and I feel so bad for not being to comment on them because I know comments mean a lot to authors. Seriously guys, I'm getting my kicked. I hardly sleep anymore. And school started 2 days ago. Hopefully I'll get a majority of everything together by this weekend and I won't have ungodly amounts of homework and I'll just be able to sit down and catch up on everything, but until then, I'm so freaking sorry!! 


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It's okay! My junior year was hell too. And I'm starting college today (first class is in 30 minutes) so I'm betting I'll be in your boat soon enough. Schoolwork is the most important so focus on that and don't let updates piling up get you anxious. They can wait.
*cries and glomps you* Ooooh Angel~~~ don't cry~~~ <3 <3 <3
aish. you've been better than me at least.

But you have to get some sleep!!! You need to take care of yourself!! \(;-;)/

I can't really say anything since I'm in...a similar situation, but I just have to say, I LOVE YOU. And don't worry, Always will~ <3 so although I love Love LOVE hearing from you...especially after such a long absence..OTL...don't overwork yourself!!! I can wait~ and I'm sure your other friends/family understand too~
we love you angel~~~ <3 <3 <3

heehee~ I love going all cheesy on you. xD