I don't really remember how it happened but I was reading info about the South Korean movie "Old Boy" by Park Chan Wook. It's one of the most amazing and also most disturbing South Korean movie I've ever watched.

Okay, now thinking about it I think I remember why I went and looked for info about the movie. I remember Graine from Tumblr posted about wanting to see TOP in a challenging movie and I automatically thought 'Old Boy'. I thought it'll be great to see TOP in a movie directed by Park Chan Wook. Seriously, if you've seen some of that man's work and know how eccentric TOP's tastes are you'd also think they'd be a perfect tandem. 

Anyways, I read through the details and found Choi Seung Hyun plastered all over the music score/soundtrack section. I was like "WOAH! They already worked together?" Turns out, he's a different Choi Seung Hyun ("I really should be expanding my views a little," I scolded myself.) But what are the chances of two Choi Seung Hyuns working in the South Korean movie and music industry! One works with classical music and the other dabbling with POP and HipHop? 

Here's what he looks like:

This is a photo from the NYUSteinhardt website where apparently, Choi Seung Hyun is a film scoring student.


This is one of the tracks he composed for the movie 'Old Boy'

After  reading further, I learned that he also worked on the scores for three of my fave South Korean movies namely; The Classic, Windstruck and My Mighty Princess and another one of Park Chan Wook's work Sympathy for Lady Vengeance.

This man basically has been involved with nearly everything that has shaped my love for South Korean movies (which prompted my love for Korean music and led to my discovery of Big Bang). So yeah, needless to say I love this man! 

I'm still looking for samples of his work. I'm not sure which tracks he did on those movies I mentioned but I'm gonna look for them. I'll try to update you guys when I find them. Woooh, I love looking for things on the web! :)) 


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weerainbow #1
Oh this was really interesting! I never knew about this other Choi Seung Hyun either. The track for "Old Boy" that you linked to is beautiful! Very emotive and atmospheric music! I've seen a few clips from that movie but still never watched it properly. I've heard a lot about it though. One of these days I'll sit down and watch it all.
I hope you can find more of Choi Seung Hyun's music and that I'll be able to enjoy them with you ;)
As for the other movies you mentioned...I think I've only seen Windstruck which I really enjoyed.