First day of school

Okay so. It was my first time going to an high school. IT WAS BORING!! The only thing we did was sign sheets. BORING!!Tho tmrw there going to tell us what to except. So tmrw is gonna seem boring to. I go lost several of times. But it was okay for the most part:)I SAW SO MANY CUTE GUYS!!! But they were taken. And i saw my crush to. Tho we dont have any classes teogther:( These guys were listenig to kpop but they were ugly. BUT ITS ALRIGHT!


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Did you see asians!? xD because I did !!!!!!! xD
aigooo~~~~~~i hope u got some nice boy~~~~~~~~~~~hahahahahahahahahahaa~~~~~~~~~~~`:D anyw stay safe and healthy~~~~~~~~~~~~
i'm on my last year of high school and it's start after two weeks from now ^^ good luck with your school and let me tell you make a move to your crush before someone else
I left high school 3 years ago and I want to go back :(
Your so lucky that there are cute guys lol xD
And no one listens to kpop here aswell
Well exsept for me and some other people
I will stop now lol xD
how old are you again¿
Don't worry when I started high school two years ago, I met a lot of friends. And now they listen to at least some kpop because of me. Plus they aren't ugly, at least to me. I feel accomplished anytime I get anyone to listen to kpop :)
Wow! YOU'RE SOOOOOO LUCKY! All the guys in my school are ugly and several of them like bigbang. ONLY~ none of them love SJ like me. and they said SJ is boring, ____ and whatever. (__ __ '')
OMG YOU'RE LIKE SO LUCKYYYY All the guys in my school are ugly and NONE of them like Kpop =.=" I told everyone that I listen to it... But they just call me a freak =.="

*sigh* whatever... Blah today was my 4th day in school and tomorrow we're going to run the mile =.="