The day the Norwegians were glued to the news (bombs and shooting attack)

It's impossible for me to NOT write anything about the recent happening here in Norway. First a bomb attack in the center of the capital of Norway, Oslo. Then a shooting attack at a political summer camp for youths where there were more than 600 youngsters.


In Oslo, we know that there is seven killed so far. The shooting attack, we know that there are ten killed, but that there are more dead. I feel sorry for all the people there, but of course the parents.


My dad happened to be in that area at that very moment. He had driven far, but then he had to stop since the police had blocked the way so no one could pass. He was the third, fourth or fifth care who were stopped. He called me and we talked together about it. He said he could hear the shooting, and I thought I could hear it through the phone too, but... I don't know. It could be a helicopter too, but it wasn't continous.. Anyway!


They found bombs at the camp too.


I read about it on international news, but, I trust more the Norwegians news. CNN was really slow with the numbers of killed, and 'the Sun' of the UK told it was alqaeda-something (alike or they who were behind), but it was actually an ethnic Norwegian guy, 32 years old, living in an apartment (if I remember correctly) in the "richer" part of Oslo.


My eyes are wet. Not because I've been crying, but I've been glued to the news all days. I want to sleep, but I'm not sure if I'll manage to. There are so much to tell, but I don't know what to tell. My head is not working properly.


This is the kind of thing you watch in movies, and you think: "Lol! It's SO exaggerated!" But no, it actually happened.


Oh, I'm just fine!:) I'll pretend to read the updated fanfics, and then read comics! (Not if I'll NOT think about what've happened...)


EDIT: BTW, my dad.. He was really shocked. He saw the people who came after swimming. He was asked to drive some to hospital. But he had to take out the child seats first, but since he was so shocked he was slow, so some other was ready first. But he said he wouldn't have any problem of them using his car. He could just wait (or take the bus...not like he could have taken it, his head didn't work right at the moment.. understandable)


Hmm... this is far worse than I thought. Not weird he called more than once. Gah! D: :(


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btw sorry about my depressing ramble ^^ I hope you find relief in knowing that it will all be over soon and that the authorities will not let anymore people get hurt
Wow that's just so intense. I've never had something like that happen near by me...It's kinda scary to admit that things like that happen all to often, it's so much easier to shut out the world and pretend it's something happening in a whole other world, it doesn't concern you and has no effects on you...<br />
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But what about the families? It must be so scary, real. It's not a nightmare like you wish it to be. It's actually happening...and the worse part is you can't wake up, you can't go over there and save the day, you can't do...anything. It's so depressing, news like that. (then again my comment is the most depressing)<br />
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But despite that ^^ on a lighter note~ I enjoyed learning about something I would have been oblivous to otherwise. Even if it doesn't concern me I don't want to close me eyes ^^ My condolences to the families of the passed and my prayers to those still in such a horrible and tramatizing situation...may no more get hurt. That's the last thing we need in this world. We die one day anyway, we don't need others helping us meet that day sooner then fated.