❝ethereal - Song Eun-Byeol❞ ¦ application form ♡



✰ 송 은별
      Song Eun-Byeol


Not all those who wander are lost.



✰ getting to know the main character -
First name: Eun Byeol (means Silver Star)
Nickname: Byeolie
Birthdate: April 21, 1991 (21)
✰ attitude adjustments are required -
  *Lacks self confidence
*Has a compassionate hart
  *Very empathetic to others feelings
  *Has a bad temper when provoked
  *Can be sharp tongued if someone gets up in her face/quick with comebacks and insults
  *Intelligent and well spoken

Personality:Eun Byeol's personality is a bit contrary. She is nice, but mean, funny but serious, and she is sensitive yet uncaring. It all depends on the situation she's in at the time. She can be cold, but passionate at the same time. Everything about her is a contradiction. She readily helps others out with their problems, but refuses to tell others about her own because she doesn't want to be a burden to anyone.
Many people that know her say she is a sweet girl with a loving heart, but she takes a while to 'get'.

Like an ocean tide that's always changing, she is never stagnant. She can be up-beat and joking, but what lies underneath may be brooding and thoughtful. She has a hard time showing her true self to people and finds it hard to trust, even though she tends to take things at face value. See, a complete oxymoron. Even she has a hard time understanding herself. She has a forgiving nature and wise deductions so she has little to worry about, even though that seems to be all she does anymore is worry. She lets little things go, but can hold a grudge forever if you do something to embarrass her publicly. She puts up a front for others so they never really get to know the true her, only the mask she wears. She does this to protect herself from humiliation or getting hurt, but really it's just a form of cowardice.

Eun Byeol is fairly smart and has a sarcastic humor that, if she's comfortable around you, you will definitely witness (if she's tired especially). She wants to fit in with others but she has a set of values that she won't change for anything. She is filial to her elders and listens to what they say most of the time, and she will not let others de-value themselves. She will go far in the name of friendship and stay loyal to those that prove themselves trustworthy.  

What part of your personality do you want to work on?: She needs to question things more, yet open herself up to others instead of keeping them at arms length. She can't make and keep many friends because she is scared to let them know the real her.
  • Music, art and dancing          
  • Thunderstorms
  • Sketching
  • Swimming
  • Sleeping
  • The ocean
  • Reading/learning new things
             Strong dislikes - Cigarette smoke, Someone reading or standing over her shoulder, Public ridicule
Petty dislikes - Dirty dishes, Any strong smell (like old lady perfume or dead fish), Being too close to someone if she doesn't know them, Clowns
    -Messes with her hair if frustrated
    -Bites her thumbnails if nervous
    -Stares off into space when thinking
    -Closes her eyes and turns away when angry
    -Gets really quiet and introverted when sad
Do you want your character to change these habits?: I would like her to stop biting her nails and maybe talk more if she's sad to let someone know
  • Watching dramas online
  • Learning a new language (right now she is learning English
  • Drawing
  • Horseback riding
• She may hate death, but she's okay with dying, She doesn't fear it, only accepts it as an inevitable.
• She can’t drink any soda, so she only drinks water
• She hates milk
• She has a sensitive sense of smell
• She takes really good care of her hair, more so than her skin
• She loves the music of Japanese artist GACKT
• She is fluent in Japanese after years of self-study and international school courses
• She eats fried chicken like Onew eats fried chicken
• She loves eating ice cream but it makes her sick if she eats a whole bowl so only half for her
• She doesn't like chocolate
• She adores fuzzy kittens
• She loves the smell of strawberries but not the taste
• She will laugh aloud at your fear when you ride in the car with her as she drives
• She has a sadistic streak
• Her favorite color is cobalt blue
• Her favorite animals are horses
• Her favorite group are actually Big Bang
• Her favorite Shinhwa member is Eric Mun and she is friends with him on Twitter
✰ the past is important -
History: She was born and raised in Nonsan, a city in South Chungcheong Province, South Korea, and had a simple childhood. Her life was normal up until her Brother left for the military. Then her Mother and Father began fighting and using her as emotional blackmail. Her childhood ended at the age of thirteen and she got a job delivering milk in the mornings before school to save up for later in life. She took piano lessons and singing lessons at school and harbored a dream to become a singer. Her brother married and moved to Seoul after getting out of the military. Her family troubles began after her Grandfather died of cancer and her Uncle killed himself. Then her grandmother became ill and she took care of her (along with her new sister in law) until she passed away from a . All this happened before Eun-Byeol was sixteen years old.
It was then that Eun-Byeol moved to Seoul to live with her brother and auditioned at the talent agency. She was accepted to the company, and began her trainee life at the age of seventeen. She has worked hard to become a great entertainer, even as her family broke apart. Her Father and Mother divorced and her Father moved in with his younger brother's family to help work their farm. Her Mother moved to Seoul and re-married an older man who runs a distributing company only a year later.
Family Background: Eun-Byeol's family was middle class and worked hard all their lives to make things easier on the next generation. They lived in Nonsan for most of their lives. Her Grandfather and Grandmother passed on when she was fourteen from illnesses and her Uncle took his own life due to debts he could not get out from under. After her brother left for the military, Eun-Byeols parents became distant and started fighting everyday.
Her Father was a rude man with little time to care for his family. He ignored his children and verbally abused those around him mainly his wife and daughter. In the end he still claimed to love his wife, yet he never realized/admitted to what he'd put his children through. He still lives in Nonsan.
Name: Song Suk Do  송석 도 

Her Mother wears a mask for the outside world of being pleasant, affable, things that she most certainly isn't. She is a bitter woman dissatisfied with life. She hardly has anything nice to say about someone and makes talking to her an unpleasant experience. She is racist and rude in front of her daughter.
Jang Mi might have been lovely but she has let her life ruin her. She only thinks about money now-a-days. She doesn't even really like her husband.
Name: Lee Jang Mi 이  장미
Her Step-father is a hard man to like, he is controling and saysvery unkind things to Eun Byeol. He thinks she needs to have a real profession instead of doing nonsense. He hardly ever speaks to her and she really doesn't ever see him when she visits her mom.
Name: Jin Duk Il 진독일

Her Brother is a laid back fellow with an affable personality. He is easy to talk to and get along with. He helps people out when he can, though he is a bit disappointed with his Mother he still cares for her and he adores his sister. He has a temper, and will physically fight someone if they insult his family. He has a lot of pride for his country and family and tolerates no slur against either one. A loyal and caring man to those he trusts, and unforgiving nightmare to those that cross him, he is idolized by his little sister.
Name: Song Young Min  송영민

Her Sister-in-law is charismatic to a fault, she is sweet tempered and easy going. She is one who makes it easy to talk to and lightens the atmosphere around her. She is like a ray of sunshine without being happy/happy all the time. She is wise beyond her years and quick to give advice or help someone in need. A bit of a know-it-all but still sweeter than honey water, she gives off a sense of peace and fluidity.
Name: Bang Myung-Ok 방 명옥
Inspiration: She wanted to sing when she heard Sumi Jo for the first time on a record her mother played as she cleaned the house at the age of seven. This opened her up to the world of music and she delved in head first. Her inspiration to take up rapping was from listening to Tiger J for the first time in her teens. She then moved into Japanese music and found GACKT which prompted her to learn Japanese.
✰ appearance is everything -
Appearance: 1  2  3  4
Ulzzang/Model: Do Hwe Ji
Back-up:Jung Roo
Features: She has six holes in her ears on each side. She has a small tattoo on her wrist.
Anything about your facial features do you not like?: Her eyes are rather large.
Would you consult to plastic surgery?: No She has a fear of being under the knife.
Height:167 cm
Weight: 47 kg
✰ what it takes -
•She can play the piano and guitar
•She is a great actress and really becomes the part she plays
•She could be a model but she is shy about her body
✰ a star is born -
Stage name: n/a
Position:  sub vocal, sub dancer, lead rapper
Fanclub name: Glitters
Fanclub color: Silver glitter
✰ because we're different from the rest -
Power: puppet master
Month: April
Is your power real?: yes
Does anyone know of your power?:no only her brother knows
How did you find out you had a super power?: She had gotten into a fight with a group of girls over a rumor started in school by the guy she rejected and she found out her ability when she caused the girls to fight each other instead of her. Then when the sprinklers came on and doused them all she realized it wasn't just people she could control but other things as well.
Are you content with it?: Yes
✰ everyone wants love -
Love Interest: Kim Jonghyun (김종현) JR NU'EST
Personality:  He's the Lord of tricks because he plays pranks and jokes around with the members. He's full of eccentric charm and a powerful charisma, but he barely talks to people he's just met. He's really a cheerful person, somewhat reserved and pure, even though he looks like he'd be a bad or naughty guy he is the most pure out of the group.
How you met: supposedly accidentally at a cafe next to the SBS station 
Relationship: noona-dongsaeng/obsession
Want a happy ending?: Ani, I want to go down in a blaze of glory. She could totally die if you want, or he could lock her in his basement. lol
✰ a social life is a must -
Kang Taejun (OC) Met at language class
Park YuChun JYJ Met through a CF
Bang Ji Min (OC) since intermediate school

Lee Jinki (onew) SHINee
Best Friend:
Lee Taemin SHINee
IU friendly rivals
Shim Changmin TVXQ They can not get along at all.
✰ and before we end -
Suggestions: Sorry sorry SNSD 
Requests: Sort of like this maybe just not as intense. She does want to reciprocate his feelings but he scares her a little. 
He could somehow become kind-of obsessive over her and follow her every now and again. Nothing too serious because he is an idol but I'll leave it to you!
Commentary: Well, if you see this application as faulty please let me know what to change.
You're homeschooled? That must , having to see your guardians all day every day. My mom would have driven me bonkers if I'd have to spend that much time with her. lol
I hope you have fun with this story. (~_~)
✰ bye :D


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