♥ ~ Personal Information ;;

AFF username : starlove

LINK to profile :

♥ ~ Character's Information ;;

Name ;; JinKyong Aki Lee

Age&Date.Of.Birth ;; 18, Nov. 24, 1991

Ethnicity ;;Korean, japanese and american

Languages you can speak ;;korean japanese and english

Personality ;; She is very shy and keeps to herself when you first meet her. Once she knows you more and is comfortable, her fun side will pop out. She loves her family and close friends dearly so dont mess with them. She's a very competitive girl and doesnt like to give up(thats what her borthers taught her). She can be a moody when things are bad on her but she'll feel better. She keeps her problems to herself but always help out with other's problem. She's smart and tends to hide that fact. She is a very curious prson so she'll ask lots of questions. She protective of others more than she is of herself. She's tough on the outside but weak on the inside and doesnt like showing it. She's tomboyish in a way.

Habits ;;

-sticking out her tongue when thinking

-tapping her feet when bored

-messes her hair when stress

-punching the wall and then run away when pissed

-walking away alone listening to music when depresses

Hobbies ;;

-sports: volleyball, basketball, soccer, 

-making bracelets,

-collecting charms bracelets,

-composing music,

-writing lyrics,


-taking picture,

-copying others

Likes ;;


-working out,

-playing varies of instruments,

-studying, caramel apples,

-styling hair,

-helping out others in problems,

-volunteering work in orphanages,

-coffee and tea

Dislikes ;;

-"those" kinds of people,




too much makeup,

being ignored,

being told she isnt love,

being called names,

very spicey food,

History/Family Background ;; Her mother and fatehr meet in college over in America. They later finish and got married there where they raise their three children in LA CA. JinKyong and her brothers, Jake and Kaito, grew up there until they were 12. Their appa, KyungSam Lee, moved the family to Seoul for his job in business. their umma, Ayame Hunte, open a music/dance studio. JinKyong got her music genes from her umma, but got her boy-ish side from her brothers and dad. Her mother grew up in an orphange before she was adopted so as Jinkyong grew up, she and her mother always visits different orphanages and brings gift.

Persona ;; Dependable One, or the tomboy 

Position ;; --Lead Rapper or --Center Face

Trivia's ;; Hazel eyes. Surfer Winner


~ EXTRA Information ;;

Friends ;; Jeanie Yang(fictiona), 2NE1's CL

Stage name ;; JK Aki

Rivals ;; Kara's Nicole

Blood Type ;; Blood Type O

Trainee Days ;; She trained for 3 years 7 months

Partner/Bias ;; Key of SHINee

How WILL you two meet ;; She was just finish with working out in the building's gym. She was drinking from her bottle as she jogged down the stairs when she bumped into Key and spill some tea on him. She apologize to him multiple times cause she have heard about the diva's attitude. Things started off bad for them cause Key yelled at her and then criticize her and her sense of dressing. Her anger came out too fast since she actually  really respect him and his rapping/singing, but that pulled her trigger. She then said, "Oh get over it. Yeah you may be a celebraty and all but you once in my shoe. We're all the same. I apologize once more." And she walks away leaving him stunned and confuse at what just happen.

Ulzzang name ;; Lee Yeon Joo




Appearances ;; 






Fanclub Name ;;  U.Nik

Fanclub Color ;; Neon Yellow

Anything else? ;; says "Epic Fail" and then laughs

-her and her brother are triplets

Password ;; applied


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thank you! ^_^
Good luck! ^^
application for a story that im reading! XD<br />
application for a story that im reading! XD<br />
jaycobisl #5
what's this? ~ Looks cool. :)