Updates & etc.

So I have a number of things I'd like to talk about/ask you guys.

1. Lydia Paek

Doesn't anybody know Lydia Paek? As in one of the original members of Quest Crew, Songwriter for Yg? Writing a new fanfic from her perspective & nobody seems to care. That's real sad cause she is absolutely amazing & is incredibly talented. Go watch Gd's One Of A Kind MV, she does a cameo dancing in there. If you guys don't know who she is, please go check her out!!

2. Bigbang Alive in Singapore

Any Singaporeans here going to the concert? If you guys are, please let me know! I may be going alone, and that's quite sad. No?

3. New Evolution Concert  SG

Any Singaporeans here intending on going? Hit me up if you do.

4. Twitter

Any of you guys have a twitter? Tell me & I'll follow you!! 



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I do know Lydia and I have a twitter too. It's @bungsky! :D
love lydia!