Tiger ♥ Bear

I'm not usually the blogging kind but this I will say.

You know when you suddenly and unexpectedly come across someone who turns your life around? Who feels so close despite the distance, like you can't get enough of them. Someone you don't have to censor yourself with, who just gets you without effort. Someone just like you.

That's when you start staying up till sunrise just to watch the dawn and enjoy the world. When you see the clock pass 6 and don't care that work starts at 9, cause all that matters is to share a little more. That's when you come alive.

This happened to me.

I blame Tepp_A for all of my late updates.


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I love you so ____ing bad ;____; ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥