Has anyone else been looking forward to Super Junior's comeback?

I, for one, have.

But... something worries me. After seeing the copious amounts of comments/reblogs/reactions the released teaser photos have garnered, I've felt weird.

Like... I don't want everyone to be liking them! Only me! And a few other people... maybe. MAYBE.

I've been like this my whole life, actually. I see something i like and I hoard it so nobody else can have it (food, toys, etc) I don't tell them about it or diss it (books, movies, games) or I just outright say it , especially if I really like it so it will only be ME liking it, if it makes any sense.

Basically I am a selfish brat. No. I'm not. I'm actually quite a nice person if you're on my good side.

But... is there something wrong with me? I know I should be extremely happy that so many people like it and it's going mainstream, but it's SUCH a hubbub and for some reason i want it to be ALL MINE and nobody else's.

My friends call me indie for wanting to be non mainstream. But I'm not, I swear I am not. 

Seriously, is something wrong with me?


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RawrrBaby #1
:( Dont worry, sometimes I feel the same way. <br />
If i find a new boy band or something, I just wanna keep them for myself. <br />
I get all jealous with the comments and the views and everything. :( <br />
And yet, I want them to be popular too but at the same time, I dont want them to be anyone else's. <br />
I understand you. :( But I guess, It the end. They're not really yours. :( In the end, Im just happy for them. :D