THR3E|YG Entertainment application / Kim Jin Kyong

Girl,What's Yo Name?


Profile Link:

Nice To Meet You,And You Are?

Character's Name:
Kim Jin-Kyong

Date of Birth:
April 21, 1992



Tell Me More About Yourself

She is a sweet girl who can be soft spoken and cute. She likes to hide her feelings so most people don't know when she's having a hard time or feeling sad. She likes to put others above herself and be comfortable before she can do the same for herself.
But she is far from perfect. As a matter of fact she has a hidden side many would never see coming.
She is a total drama queen. Not the have-a-fit-cause-she-didn't-get-what-she-wanted kind but a real drama, full spectrum, emotional actress. She could shock the world with her talent for acting if she ever got enough confidence to try it for real.
Also she is a fantastic dancer and does Kkap dances to cheer up her friends and family.
She's shy around people she doesn't know well but around those she does she becomes this butterfly that takes sarcastic wit to new heights.

Her main problem is her confidence stemming from bullying in school as a child up until she joined the company and became a trainee.
She is funny and sweet, but also has a temper if someone bullies her friends or members. She gets mad enough she will fight a person but that's usually the last resort because she likes to use words rather than actions.
She can be complex but would rather keep it simple.



Suwon, South Korea




•lazy days sitting under a tree while sketching or reading
•playing pop music on the guitar
•dancing to others songs
(really loves dancing to SHINee's Hello and Infinite's The Chaser)


•Cigarette smoke
•Spiders (bugs in general)
•dirty dishes
•being nagged at endlessly
•vain/snobbish people



You Look So...Awesome!

Visual Looks:
1   2   3   4   5

Ulzzang: Do Hwe Ji

Back-up Appearance:
1   2   3   4

Backup Ulzzang:Seo Ji Hye


So,He's Your Type?

Love Interest:
Choi Seunghyun

Age: 26

A jokester some one who loves what he does.
He is good natured and friendly, very helpful to the dongsaengs, and he takes care of them like an appa.
He is playful and thinks he's cute, but he does have a self-confidence issue every now and again.
Sometimes he can get mad and not speak to you for days but he's usually trying to figure out how to break the silence and get back on track. He's like a big kid but he has a loving heart, when he's not distracted.

Have You Two Met?:

As a trainee at YG they often have to work with their seonbaes and gain insight from them through rigorous practice.
One night he found her doing one of Taeyang's dances in the dance studio after practice hours were over and she was supposed to have been back at her dorm with the others. He watched her for a while from the shadows and she didn't know he was there so after the song was over and he cleared his throat she let out a scream that would have made horror movie producers cringe. He laughed at her and fell for her cute pout, not that she knows that though.

How Do You Act Towards Each Other?:
He teases her like a school boy crush would to a girl he likes. She doesn't get it that he likes her so she just treats him like an oppa and they goof around and make up sarcastic witty remarks about each other. They sometimes try to frame each other with other artists there, like she would tell Bom that TOP was looking through her underwear bag in the practice room after he told Tablo that she had a major crush on him, causing the older man to leave the room when ever she entered.
They are seriously concerned for the other though and he will scold her if she pushes herself too hard.
They can usually be found talking together or laughing at something on his phone with their heads close. He has no problem slinging his arm around her shoulders, he tells her she's just the right height to be his arm rest.
She always sneaks him a piece of candy or something when his manager isn't looking.


Backup Love Interest:
Kang Daesung


He is sweet and caring, a big hearted man with a big smile.
He takes care of others and usually is the intervention between someone fighting. He's the one people go to to tell their troubles to, even though he has his own. His personality has been dimmer recently but he still cares deeply about the YG family. He likes to make weird jokes and sing a lot. Sometimes he will just be walking down a hall way and start singing.


Have You Two Met?: Yes

How Do You Act Towards Each Other?:
He is shy with her and she is shy with him if they are in a group but alone he treats her like a little sister, awkwardly but still, sweet.
She sees him as an amazing singer and someone to look up to and care for. She is worried about him so she treats him kindly and often does little things for him that she doesn't usually do for others not in her group, like get him his favorite drink or leave a towel out for him after practice. Things like that.



•Her blood type is O+
•Her favorite color is the blue of their fan club actually
•Her favorite thing to do is watch thunderstorms and rain or watch the ocean
•Her favorite animals are the cat and horse
•Her favorite mythical creatures are the Unicorn and the Mermaid
•Her favorite song is Blue by Big Bang
•Her favorite entertainers are Tablo, PSY and G-Dragon (and not just because they are YG)
•Her favorite girl group is 2NE1 then f(x)
•Her favorite comedian is Yoo Jae Suk
•Her favorite variety show is Running Man
•Her favorite comedy show is Gag concert
•Her favorite thing to do in Seoul is walk at the Cheonggyecheon
(which also happens to be the same place Jiyong loves to go)
•Her free time she can be found reading, taking pictures or dancing
•She loves to sing ballads but she can rap a little too



What's Your Position?:


Leader:Main Vocals.

Lead Vocalist,Sub-Rapper.

Main Dancer,Sub-Vocalist.



Lovin The Swag There!


down to earth
















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