Bye Bye Tumblr

I will be saying bye bye to Tumblr soon. I've been trying to write up an explanation but my brain is too messed up right now that I can't even get myself to log-on to my Tumblr acct. I guess you can call it one of those life changes that just NEEDS to be done. Something so personal and complex, words will fail to explain it.    

One of these days I might just go on there and formally say goodbye to my Tumblr friends...or maybe not, I can't really say. So if you follow my blog of Tumblr, I'm sorry to say I will no longer be active there, perhaps for good. I will keep writing here though so hopefully we'll still be friends (?) 



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too bad... hope you are okay >:D< hwaiting!
Wae? T___T
Unnie, I support your decision. Is this connected with you know? /blush
I don't think I followed you on tumblr