♡ pєrƒєcт ℓσvє ♡ Yulwon


(Park Yulwon)



♡ basics


♥ AFF username: qistinabelle


♥ Profile link: [x My profile]


♡ your character


♥ Name: Park Yulwon

♥ Nickname: Blossom [she likes to watch power puff girls! haha]

♥ Age: 17

♥ Birthday: 02/14

♥ Ethnicity: Korean

♥ Place of birth: Jeonju, South Korea

♥ Languages spoken: Korean, English

♥ Blood type: O+

♥ Likes: Power puff girls!, oranges, Kawaii stuff, blog posting, tumblr, fashion, girly stuff.

♥ Dislikes: snobby people, alcohol, attention seekers, lemon, chicken feet O_O

♥ Hobbies: Shopping, Singing, Writing, Blogging.

♥ Habits: RUns out of the house when Angry, locking herself up when she's sad and talking in a high-pitch kind of voice when around people she likes.

♥ Trivia: She is obsessed with Pastel colours.

♥ Favorite color: Pastel Pink

♥ Personality: She loves writing and updating her personal blog/tumblr page. She loves poetry and dreams to write one for her love. She likes reading blog entries- that's where she getssome inspiration for writing poetry. She's fun and friendly ^^ Oohh and she loves to cook :)) and bake, especially cupcakes. When she's happy she tends to talk a lot and she'll laugh at almost every joke. People admire her dimples(: But when she's sad, she tends to eat AlOt. O.o [Oh and you can refer to her habits on top for more info] And one mor thing, let's just say she dreams of Disney-like fairytales. 


♡ ready for your close-up?

♥ Ulzzang: Do Hwe Ji


♥ Photos:  || 1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 ||


♥ Back-up ulzzang: Song AhRi

♥ Photos: || 1 || 2 || 3 ||


♥ Height: 175CM

♥ Weight: 48KG


♥ Style: 1 || 2 || 3 ||  [She loves dresses!]


♡ family & friends

♥ Mother:  Park Juyeon ♦ 45 ♦ alive ♦ Teacher ♦ Kind and lovable. Loves creating stories. She buys her bubble tea everyday. ♦Mother, Really close with Yulwon.


♥ Father: Park Siwoo♦ 47 ♦ alive ♦ Restaurant Manager ♦May be strict, but he actually cares about everyone. He is really close with his wife.  ♦father, not so close, due to his strictness. 


♥ Siblings:  Park Jiyeon ♦ 19 ♦ alive ♦ Singer ♦

loves her sister very much since they dont have other siblings. Yulwon wants to follow the footsteps of her sister to become a singer. ♦ Older Sister, really close with yulwon. 


♥ Other family: Park Soojung ♦ 70 ♦ grandma ♦ alive ♦ --she's at home all the time. ♦Likes to nag. But tells lots of jokes! ♦ She is close with her grandma...can be even closer to her than to her mother. Her Grandma is her mentor and she trusts her grandma very much.



♥ Best friend:  Kwon Sooyoung ♦ 17 ♦ Bubbly and lively.  ♦ They go to the same school and are classmates. They are BFFs!


♥ Other friends: ----


♡ enemies

♥ Rival(s): No one! She's friendly ^^
♥ Reason for being rivals: ----


♡ specialty

♥ Your specialty: Writing
♥ Specialty you become closest to: Poetry writing. She daydreams and writes out poetry everywhere she goes if an idea pops up. So...she always brings her notebook around with her.


♡ futuristic lover

♥ Robot/Love interest #1: D.O

♥ Age: 18

♥ Personality: Shy and cute. Romatic. :D and HANDSOME XD He tends to say the wrong things when he is shy. Cooking is his speciality :) But as he gets closer to someone, he'll show his true self, his bubbly, jokester- (is it called that?..oh well), loving side.


♥ Back-up robot: Suho

♥ Age: 19

♥ Personality: Kind and caring ^^ he protects everyone he loves. He'll make sacrifices for them.



♥ Robot/Love interest #2: Xiu Min

♥ Age: 17

♥ Personality: He is to the CoOl side. He is caring! He is loveable and tends to give people hugs when they are sad. He eats a log when he is stressed out.

♥ Back-up robot: Kris

♥ Age: 20

♥ Personality: Shy and does not like crowds. He has perfect features of an ideal boyfriend.

♥ Preference for who she ends up with?: D.O [Gahh... Xiu Min...im sorry :P ] 


♡ other

♥ Comments, questions, concerns?: Nope~

♥ Scene request?: Pocky Game! :) She plays the pocky kiss game with D.O ^^

♥ Password: robot



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Also, the top of your form is incorrect.
You should have your character's name along with your specialty.
I think part of your personality disappeared. There's only like a sentence and a half =/
Please fix it~
And Thank you for applying~ ^^