K - Pop Question Number Game!

M'kay, im gunna play this K - pop Question Game

that involves numbers.

Okay, so the numbers correspond to my biases in the list.


Choose twelve k-pop idols and answer the following questions.

  1. Chaerin
  2. Key
  3. Dara
  4. Minzy
  5. Taemin
  6. Bom
  7. Jonghyun
  8. T.O.P
  9. Taeyang
  10. Jiyong
  11. Amber
  12. Krystal

1) Have you ever read a six/eleven fanfic before?

 Uhm, Bom & Amber? Haha, no.

2) Do you think four is hot? How hot?

Ah yeah ... but I prefer to call her y. But if i did find her hot, it would be as hot as the oven all the way up to 10. <---- Hahaha, bad referrence.

3) What would happen if twelve and eight started going out? 

Wow. Krystal & T.O.P? Uhm ... i don't know. Be happy? Ehhhh ....

4) Do you recall any fics about nine?

Yup. "7 Boys & Girls" and "When Taeyang Hugged I.U" There are alot more, I just can't put my finger on them.

5) Would two and six make a good couple?

Ah ~ Key & Bom? Bomkey? Maybe ... but like the age $: And Key doesn't seem like Bom's type :P

6) Five/Nine or five/ten?

Taemin with Taeyang or Taemin with Jiyong? Hmm, Taemin and Taeyang. They would make great dance partners :3

7) What would happen if seven walked in on two and eight kissing?

Jonghyun would be like, "KEEEYYY!! I thought you were with me! GAAHHH! there is no reason to live anymore!" And then run off into his room and throwing out all the stuff him and Key shared. [I SHIP JONGKEY. KAY?]

8. Make up a summary of a three/ten fanfic.

Omo. Daragon. PEOPLE READING THIS. BEWARE. MAJOR DARAGON SUMMARY FANIFC COMING ON. lol, no. I'll keep it short & simple but still well written. Ahem, lets go. Dara comes home from practice really late and finds Jiyong infront of her dorm sleeping with ballons and a present with a card ontop. She walks over smiling towards him and reaches for the card ontop the boxed gift. It says 'Happy One Year Baby' - AHHHH. lol. m'kay next question.

9) Is there any thing as one/eight fluff?

Maybe.  I mean, like they can be friends right? Is there such thing as friend fluff? Hmm..i'll go check later.

10) Suggest a title for a seven/twelve hurt/comfort fic?

Uhm, i don't know ... I don't really know much about Jonghyun & Krystals relationship but if they were dating I would call it, "Dino Trouble" Hehehe.

11) Does anyone on your friends list have the same name as three?

lol no. I wish! that would be fantastic *Q*

12) Does anyone on your friends list draw or write eleven?

Nope, they're all on One Direction. 

13) Have you ever read any two/four/five?

All together? Yes. Seperatley? No.

14) What might ten scream at a great moment of passion?


15) If you wrote a songfic about eight, what song would you use?

Super Junior's "y, Free & Single" Cause he is all those things and them some (;

16) If you wrote a one/six/twelve fic, what would the warning be?


17) What would be a good pick up line for ten to use on two?

" I like your fashion " Haha, fashionista's unite!

18) 1 and 8 are in a happy relationship until 5 runs off with 9. After 8 dumps 1 for 12, 6 gets upset and retaliates by dating 12. Alone and broken-hearted, 1 travels in search of a friend. Finally, 1 meets 4 and 7. The three loners meet 10, who tells each of them to look for love. 4 finds 3, 7 gets 11, and 1 finds fellow loner 2 and both of them fall in love!

Uhm, I'm a bit confused ... But, i'll do it. 

Chaerin and T.O.P are in a happy relationship until Taemin runs off with Taeyang. After T.O.P dumps Chaerin for Krystal, Bom gets upset and retaliates by dating Krystal. Alone and broken hearted, Chaerin travels in search of a friend. Finally, Chaerin meets Minzy and Jonghyun. The three loners meet Jiyong, who tells each of them to look for love. Minzy finds Dara, Jonghyun gets Amber, and Chaerin finds fellow loner Key and both of them fall in love!


19) What would be a good title for this?

"Loner to Lovers." Aha, look i put a little trademark sign so no one can take it >_> unless you ask nicely ^.^ 

20) What would the genre(s) be?



That was fun! Let's make it a tag game!

I tag ... @misspotatohead

*give the person link to the blog and then tell them to answer the questions*

*only tag a person once*

Have fun! 

Oh yeah, tell them who tagged you too!







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lonelybluemonster #1
I know you tagged me in this, I've been meaning to post it but I haven't had time. I'll post it tonight once I get home. =]
I'll try that as well haha >__< Seems that I would come up with a fascinating one.