|| Love Switch Application ||


|| Love Switch Application ||

•Ahn Joohyun

&& You Are ? ;
Name or Nickname:  Keira
Linkkk:  c~
&& Bby You, Bby You ;
Full Name: Ahn  Joohyun
Date of Birth&&Agee: 10. 14. 1995 (18 in Korean age)
Race: Korean American
Birth Place: Daegu, South Korea
How you act when you are happy:
[Joohyun is mostly happy all the time and she smiles and lot, blushes, and laughs a lot. People say when she smiles, it's the best part of her.  When she's happy, she speaks in a high tone and is normally that way.  She tends to do things she would never do to others when she's extremely joyful such as: being nice to her enemies, forgive, and etc. Sometimes people might find her annoying for being so cheerful, but she just can't help it.]
How you act when you are mad:
[Even though Joohyun's main personality is cheerful, getting her mad is a piece of cake. If you dare insult her fashion, looks, family, or friends, she would give you a taste of her punch or insult you back even if you're a stranger or if you're her enemy, you have messed with the wrong person. Although if you're her close friend or family member, she would simply not talk to you and glare at you. However, Joohyun ignoring you is the worst thing ever. You would plainly regret and you would crawl back apologizing to her.] 
Ahn Joohyun is extremely cheerful and joyful, and is the perfect friend to rely on.  Although her parents have showered her with a splendid life, with no worries, she's not spoiled neither a brat. She wants everyone to have the happiness that she got, and that's why she's so kind to everyone (well, except her enemies).  As it's easy for her to get joyful, it's easy for her to get mad at the same time. When she does, you better watch out.  
&& How Beautiful Are You ? ;
ulzzang name: Jin Jae young
ulzzang links: 5+ 
(more pics of Jae young in the top)
ulzzang name: Park Hye Min
backup ulzzang links: 4+
&& Swaggiee and Swaggerrr ;
Causal: 4+
Formal: 4+
Night Wear: 4+
Home: 4+
What do you wear regularly? 
​She's a fashionista! Instead of following trends, she creates the trend! She wears shorts and skirts a lot since she's a girly girl, and also heels! Heels are her best friend. If you dare her to wear something completely ugly and outrageous, she would make the outfit look like it's a fashion statement.
Sneakers or High Heels or Flats?: Definitely heels! Flats would come second place, but sneakers are only for long walking or extremely casual occations. 
Skirts or Dresses or Pants?: Skirts! Skirts make her long legs appear longer, but pants are okay too.
&& How are you? 
Likes: 3+
•Soft mattress (lol xD)
Dislikes: 3+
•Horrible fashion
•Boring people
•Grumpy people
•Messy rooms
Habits: 3+
•Sleeping while singing or laughing
•Checks the mirror every hour
•Talking in a lower voice when talking to strangers
•Bits her lip when scared/nervous
•Sleep walks when stressed out
•Straightens her bangs with her hand
Hobbies: 3+
•Getting back at her enemies
&& Your Lover 
Lover name:  Lee Jinki (Onew), the school president.
Age:  19 (korean age)
How do you act around each other?: 
Joohyun acts straightforward towads him, but he's distant from her. They're both opposites. He's a complete fashion mess, she's a fashion genius.  He's a nerd, she's a fashionista. He's rich, she's slightly on the poor side. She's loud, he's quiet. Joohyun tries to give him a makeover, but that's not all she's changing about him. She's also changing his first crush, his personality, and his reputation. 
How did you meet or want to meet?:
It all started when she heard that her club, the Fashion Club has been voted by the school president that the club was useless. He said that fashion was unneeded and nobody needs advices to be in university. Joohyun was furious and immediately went to him and yelled at him. However, her plan of yelling and shouting, was worthless because he kept a poker face on and said in a quiet voice,"Fashion versus math? You won't get into any good colleges if on your college application it says that you were on a fashion club. Big deal." 
She was going to kick him in his part, but thought of a plan. "Yah, you nerd. Do you want to be respected?" 
With a bewildered look, he asked,"What do you mean? I'm already school president and people respect me," 
As on cue, a jock walked past him and spitted on Jinki's shoes. "Loser!" The jock yelled, high-fiving his friends. Jinki muttered something about retarded jocks and Joohyun raised an eyebrow. 
"Fine, I'm not respected. What's it to you?" Jinki stared at her. 
"Let's have a deal, four face. If you get asked out by at least 1 girl, not including a nerd, in this following month, you keep the fashion club. But I have to give you a makeover, arraso?" She smirked as she put out her hand. Jinki was quiet for 3 seconds then shook her hand. "Deal,"
&& Questions;
How many relationships have you been in?:
None, over the years of high-school, she never even thought about dating, it's always about fashion for her.
Do you like love games?: Sure
Are you a: Girl Girly? Tomboy? Normal?  Girly girl
Have you ever fallin in love?: Nope never!
Are you the heart breaker or the heartbroken?
I''m definitely not a heartbreaker (you're my heart, heart, heartbreaker, no way...-G-dragon)
&& Who Are You? ;
[ Highlight one
The Rich Chick
The Loner
The Nerd
The Fashion Leader
The Player
&& EXTRA ;
Scene Request?
Hope this fanfic gets a lot of reviews~ And please like my character! ^.^


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