Living with Idols : Park Juil

? Who are you

Name: Korean Name: Park Juil / Amirican Name: Jewel

(Age: 19 (korean) / 18 (international

D.O.B : 03/07/1994

Hometown: Center of Seoul

Birthplace: Los Angules, U.S.A

Ethnicity: Korean - Amircan

Height: 168cm

Weight: 45kg

Blood type: A

Languages: English, Korean, Spanish


: All about you

Personality : She is a very nice cute girl , She loves every one and everyone loves her Except for her charming personality, she is so beautiful but she can do agyeo, she is famous for her "Deadly agyeo"! , She is an honest opened up girl and loves to talk

SatylStylish and youth and simple

Hobbies : Dancing , Reading , Play the Guitar

Likes : Shoes , Twitter,Tweety

Deslike: Bugs,Maen pepole, getting fat

Habits :dancing,playing the guitar,writeing songs

Tarive: My fav.Color is pink , My fav.Meal is IceCream, My fav.Numbr is 7


:Okey, Impotant Stuff

Did You Apply ? : Yes

Are You Exicted: Yes

Fangirl Meter : 85%

I Don't care mater : 15%


(Romance (ya Know...the good stuff

Who are you paired up whit : MinHo

Couple Name : Daimond

Are you happy whit this Pairing ? : Yes !!!

? How Does SHINee find you

Thay was in Music Bank and I came to swa them ^^





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