✰ APPLICATION ::: Hazel Jung


glitterati application form 







your name connie


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full name Jung Mi Ra (Hazel)


birthdate / age  23, 09/24/1989


ethnicity Korean - American


appearance  Jung Bo Ra + Jung MoA


personal style she loves wearing casual and simple clothes. just like plain shirt with jeans. she wears bold colours dresses on formal occasion and will wear tanktop and short in dorm and while pracstising. she has hazel eyes and she wears brown lenses because she is near sighted. she has dimples in both of her cheeks and she has 9 piercings, one on her belly button and 4 on both left and right ear


background ■ she was raised up in san fransisco, california. her father is american and her mother is a korean. her mother died when she was giving birth to mi ra. so, she never has a mom and always be the one who do house chores and because of that she became a very diligent person. her father worked as a composer, and mi ra loves to helped her father composing. because of her father too, she decided to be an artist. she moved to seoul alone when she was sixteen because she passed the audition. her father didn't agree at first and in the end he let her go with one condition; she has to lived alone. so, since then she started to be a trainee until she debuted in a unique girl group glitterati


personality  Hazel is calm, demure and introverted. She doesn't talk a lot with stranger and always keep shut. She doesn't like to be near stranger, it is because she can't/doesnn't talk much and she doesn't know what should she do in front of stranger (She doesn't have any good topics to talk with). she always thinks before she talks and very sensitive. since she very aware about her surroundings, she hates when people badmouthing, making she is really sensitive and could be mad easily. she good at hiding her feelings and she is kind of expressionless. she is shy and unsociable, she hardly ever approach people and be friends with them unless they were the one who want to be friends with her. 
Hazel always do things seriously and stubborn. she just have a few friends because of her boring personality in front of stranger. she could be random sometimes, but just in front of her best friends. she is mysterious and unpredictable, she loves to spent her time studying. she is neat and organised, she always do things well planned and diligently. she likes to read self improvement books to help her improved.  she always studying when she has free time because she want to finish college fast. She doesn’t like taking risk, that’s why she always acting calm and really quiet. it's the reason why she really cautious when picking something. 
She is picky and a total perfectionist. she hates when something doesn;t go in her way, making her quite ambitious and really hardworking. she is an AB type of girl, she could be bipolar and she is really naive. she is really respectful and simple. she never spent things to buy she doesn't need and decided to save her money for her future plans. she hates spending her money and when she still has something that she could use, she won't buy the new one. she is a total gamer when she doesn't studying or she has free time. she is really humble and quite warm hearted. she loves to gave someone something and care about the person she loves more rather than herself.
Overall, Hazel is an ordinary shy girl who is actually warm hearted when you get to know her since it's super hard to break her wall


position Main Rapper | Songwriter & Jack Of All Trades | Fashion Coordinator (Back Up)


Father | Composer | Father | Alive | He is kind and wise. He is super protective with Hazel and he always care with Hazel. They loved to chatted together and Hazel is extremely close with her father
Mother | - | Mother | Deceased | Unknown
friends  All Glitterati members


rivals  none


love interests (one, plus a backup or two; write a brief description for each on their personality, how you two met / will meet and how you currently act with each other) 
Lee Hyuk Jae ( Eunhyuk ) | He is caring, kind and super uberly protective with Hazel. He knows Hazel is really sensitive and he knows everything about her. He is caring. He loves to ask about Hazel condition and asked her to eat much. He is warm hearted and kind. He just like a brother for Hazel and they likes to do skinship with each other. He loves to crack jokes and he is kind of easily jealous type. He hates when guy getting closer to Byeol, making he always try to be with Hazel as often as he can. He loves to brighten up the mood and he loves to buy Hazel food. He is really understanding and he know everthing about Hazel. They loved to practise together since they both loves rapping | they met in SM Ent. since she was a trainee before she transferred to CVn Ent. | They acted really naturally witch other and loves to make skinship that sometimes make people assumed they were lovers and glitterati 


requests   Songs suggestion could be hit the lights by selena gomez? I teyhink it would fit their glamour concept
comments / anything else I hope I get pick! :)


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