{OOC: Definitely did not expect that.....}

So on Tuesdays and Thursdays I have to go to Psychology class at my college.
I usually stumble into the class a bit early so I can get a good seat. I'm rubbing my eyes and yawning because of how tired I am, while trying to listen to one of my friends blab on about random things. I sat in the desk today and my expression looked like this:

-10 minutes into the class, he still didn't show up-

-he finally walks into the classroom, and everyone gets quiet-

-here's where the unexpected part comes in-.....he's telling us some story about some basketball game where this coach used a distraction so their team could have the opportunity to score when all of a sudden he gets on all fours and starts barking like a dog.
We are all like.....what?

I swear this guy is crazy! He's still a good teacher though...but seriously...I think Psychology is going to be my favorite class this semester. :3



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It sounded too funny ^-^
Jeremy Renner. Cool.
slave__IU #3
Hwa! cookie frking monster! lmao i want a teacher like yours! that wud be so amusing!!!!! *high five*
hehe~ I loves you tooo!!! *blushes* >_<
I love using gifs in my blogs~ they are so amusing!!!