ϟ EΓEMENT§ ϟ Application

Who are you?

aff username: Kimjade

aff profile link:Click!



name: Yoo SungHwan

*nicknames: Luke (His American name)

stage name: Luke

birthdate: 21 April 1991

age: 21

height/weight: 178 cm / 60 kg

hometown: Venice - Los Angeles, California

birthplace: Los Angeles

ethnicity: Korean American

languages: English, Korean and Spanish (All Fluent)

*bloodtype: A

Fashion. Style. Looks

ulzzang name: Park Jiho
pictures of the ulzzang:

back-up ulzzang's name:Seo Minwoo
pictures of the ulzzang:1  2  3

At home comfort: 1   2   3
Casual: 1   2   3   4
Meetings: 1   2   3
Airport Fashion: 1   2  
Sports: 1   2   3   4
Practice: 1   2   3
Hanging out: 1   2
Stage: 1   2   3  
In Town: 1   2   3   4   5   6
Pj's: 1


Looks are only skin deep

element: Fire

personality: He is dramatic, yet driven, and has a tendency to be quick tempered. He's arrogant, insensitive and ruthless as well as ambitious, athletic and strong.
He has a bright personality most of the time, but an infamous temper that he struggles with.
He is secretly proud of himself and doesn’t like other people’s interruption, but he understands this is a negative quality about him and is working hard on taming it. He would like to live his own way, but still retains the teachings of his Father and tries not to get a big head about fame.
He works hard and expects the others around him to do the same. When they don’t he can get rather harsh and sometimes speaks without thinking. He wants to push others to be the best. When he fails he feels like he’s in a slump. Thanks to his self- confidence being diverse, he can seem bi-polar sometimes, but he has his friends to pull him back. He’s always really grateful for that and for being able to make it this far in the business. He strives to be the best at all times.


 He was born Luke Sung Hwan Yoo at Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center around 4 am after a 36 hour labor that beat out his older brother by nine minutes. His mother remembers him as being a terror of a child but grew into one of the most respectable men she has ever known. Of course that may be in part to her child rearing skills no doubt since his older brother, by twelve years, also turned out pretty remarkable himself. Luke was always a curious kid and being raised in a Korean American fused home kept he and his brother on a strict path as they grew. Their Mother and Father met in Korea as their Mother was a student at Dongguk University studying business.
 Because their father is Korean and very traditional they didn’t lose much of their heritage. His brother was very caring and took care of Luke while their Mother worked and their Father basically lived at the office. They grew up speaking English and Korean in their home. Luke took Spanish in grade school and advanced Spanish in high school before moving to Seoul at fifteen to live with an Uncle.
  At the age of sixteen Luke was accepted as a trainee at SM entertainment. He said goodbye to his previous life in hopes of becoming an international success. With a few years of chorus and modern dance classes under his belt already, his entrance into the company wasn’t as hard as some others who had just begun. Luke began his training as a low-level talent, but with his positive outlook and sharp sense of humor he quickly won his way into the hearts of those around him.
  Only a year later he was dropped as a trainee with SM and scouted over to YG. He never let that distract him from his goals though, and he pledged to work twice as hard to equal his Seonbae’s that had come before him.
 Sung Hwan trained very hard at YG in dance and graduated to the advanced class within two years of joining, his singing came at a price though as he had to undergo surgery for vocal cord Nodules and was unable to sing or even speak for two months after to let his voice heal. Then he sprained his calf muscle and tore a ligament in his foot.
Despite that he continued on, living in a crowded dorm and surviving on rice and ramen. The ten hour training days as well as little to no sleep made him re-evaluate his decision and he twice left, only to return again after a day of reflecting. Now it is Sung Hwan’s ambition to be one of the entertainers of YG to make it in the international market.

•Playing drums
•Joking and hanging out with friends
•People who are not afraid to act like themselves

•Not getting enough sleep
•Biased or Racist opinions
•Being overlooked
•Cigarettes (it's what killed his Uncle)
•The cold
•No one answering his text
•People ignoring his opinions and ideas
•Getting hurt and not being able to practice

•Playing guitar and piano
•Photography of people, architecture and nature

•If he’s embarrassed he will freeze and look away or down at the ground.
•He taps his fingers on his lips when he is seriously deep into something like listening to a track
•When he’s mad he clenches his jaw and walks away to cool off before doing anything else otherwise he will throw a punch and that's never gonna end well.
•He ignores people unintentionally and scowls when he thinks so they think he's a bit scary and avoids him.
•He always reads the paper while he watches the weather and morning news as he eats his breakfast

•He likes Korean and Japanese music way more than American music
•He can do many girl group dances but will never show it on TV
•His favorite color is blue and red
•His favorite food is 파전(Pajeon) Green onion pancake
•His favorite actor is Johnny Depp
•His favorite entertainers are Tablo, PSY and G-Dragon
•His favorite girl group is 2NE1 then f(x)
•His favorite comedian is Yoo Jae Suk
•His favorite variety show is Running Man
•His favorite comedy show is Gag concert
•He only drinks water during training and performances
•He can drink three bottles of soju and two beers before becoming drunk
•He hardly ever gets drunk, he is very disciplined about his body
•He works out even when they have days off, even if it’s only going for a swim
•He has been in many fights and has only lost twice
•He pays attention to details and can spot any mistake in the choreography or in his own performance
•He’s not afraid of criticism it only makes him work harder
•He is thankful to everyone who has helped him on his way, even the anti-fans because they prompted him to become better and learn to reign in his infamous temper
•He can play the guitar, piano and Traditional Korean drum
•He was already in an MV for Han Groo's Witch Girl

A Little Extra I found for my Ulzzang:
Jiho acting silly
Being stupid
Ulzzangs Jiho Chihoon & Taejun

They are actually pretty close and you can find many picts of the three of them together online


bestfriends: Lee Taemin & Choi Minho

how do you guys act around each other?: They are always hanging out and joking, having fun. They are really close and have actually taken family vacations with each other's families. They all know each other really well. They play sports and dance train together and play pranks on each other even if they aren't in the same Entertainment agency anymore.

Choi Seunghyun TOP (Big Bang)
Moon Jong Up (B.A.P)
Kang Sora (oc)
Lee Minki (your character, I hope you don't mind)


crush or lover?: Kwon Jiyong Big Bang (crush)

what caused you guys to meet?: They met at the company during his training. He really admires him for his hard work and go get 'em attitude. He is talented and fun loving and a blast to hang out with.

his personality?: Jiyong is like a butterfly he is always everywhere, talking and joking around until it's time to practice and then he is the leader. He is serious about his music and his group and he has an amazing talent that lights him up from inside. He is nice to everyone except those that get on his nerves, but if he gets mad he wont talk, he just turns away or ignores you. He can be great fun but he's also serious business.

his family background: Born and raised in Seoul, South Korea, he has a Mom and Dad and an older sister. He started at the age of 7 and became what he is today. He trained with SM entertainment then YG and debuted as Big Bang with s in 2006.

his family members: Mom, Dad, Older sister

(I didn't know which you meant so I did them both)
your family members & background:
Mother Mariana Collette (Jameson) Yoo / 54 / fashion designer/business woman in Los Angeles, California
Mariana is a well-rounded woman who loves her sons and her husband a great deal, she is busy now that they have all moved away and she was very supportive of her youngest going to Korea and pursuing his dreams. She is a rather free spirit and guides with a loving hand who now has her own small Fashion company that she owns and manages as well as designs for.

Father Yoo Dae Sung (Jeffrey) / 56 / Corporate Stock holder and Vice chairman of the board for the Korean/American trades’ office of Los Angeles
Jeffrey is a hard minded business man who spends most of his time at the office or talking about the office. He is a direct opposite of his wife. His sons regard him as the elder of the family and are very respectful to him. He was against his son joining an entertainment group at first but after his wife talked to him he relented. He’s putty in her hand. ^^

Brother Yoo Sung Min (Corey) / 32 / MD, MBA Operative Techniques of Sports Medicine
Corey is the typical successful older brother and first son. He is engaged to be married to a daughter of the board of directors at Cedars-Sinai in Los Angeles.

Uncle: His Uncle (his Fathers younger brother) unfortunately passed away last year due to lung cancer. He was a driving force in Luke's life in the fact that he was the one to push him to go back to training after he ran off those two times in the past. He is missed dearly.

rivals: 2pm's Woo young and Super Junior's Eunhyuk
Because they are really good dancers and he wants to surpass them.

Do you have what it takes?

position: Main Dancer Lead Vocalist Lead Dancer

singing&rapping: 1  2  3  4  5
dancing: 1  2   3   4   5

back-up position: Lead Dancer

persona:The Jedi Warrior

personal fanclub: Sky Walkers (a play on the star wars movies)

trainee years: 1 year with SM; 4 years with YG

how you got discovered: He would play around parks and train stations where he'd heard scouts often passed by and one picked him up and signed him to the company right there in the playground using the slide as a desk.

Password and anything else you'd like to add

debut song suggestions: I like many of the suggestions already made but how about
PHANTOM(팬텀)  Burning
TASTY(테이스티) _ You know me(너 나 알아) 
BEAST 아름다운 밤이야 (Beautiful Night)

comments: I hope my guy is good enough to be chosen, if there is anything you wish for me to change please let me know and I'll do it in a flash!
Good luck with your story, I am really looking forward to reading it no matter what. Fighting!!

password: My Bias will forever be Jaejoong, but in this app it's GD ^^


O my GD!

Have you seen GD's new MV? It's so awesome!!



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Is TASTY and You Know Me by PHANTOM?