Are you guys interested?


Lately, I've been into Roloplaying. It's really fun and I love it. If you gaves are interested please join with me. I thought I have a share of though with you guys. I'm in this rp called "Hodamn" it's really fun and amazing and it's really active. 
Here's the link for "Hodamn."
You'll get accepted really fast, everyone on there is nice! So, please Join <3
Another RP I'm in HaruHaruRP. It's active and everyone is close with each other. But, at as active as Hodamn. But, it's so fun and everyone is close with each other. Please support them.
Here's the link for "Haru Haru"
Please Join, any is fine. I'll be waiting 8D <3 COME. IT'S REALLY FUN


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