Things that are wrong but still done.

In this world, there are many things that are wrong but are still committed. 

I am not talking about crime since it is kind of taken for granted to abide by the law. 

It's things like...

Food wastage.

I have seen many people waste food in school and around me. 

They would happily throw away  the rest of the untouched food even if there is still half left.

What irritates me most is when they say crap such as"The food seriously ." and "I threw away because I am full. Oh. So now, should I buy ice cream?" etc.

They don't know.

They don't know how many people out there are not as fortunate as they are to have food on their tables.

They don't know how people are struggling to stay alive, picking up a mere grain of rice on the floor and seeing their family starve to death. 

Or maybe it's just that they don't care.

I have done a research on food wastage before and found out that every year, 18 million tons of edible food end up in the waste fill.

I wonder how many people could have been fed alive with all this food. 

Ironical isn't it? Edible food in the waste fill. 

And just like many of you, I am guilty of saying jokes such as "Haha. I will fedex the food to the other countries. Don't worry."

These jokes are actually senseless and stupid if you think about it sensitively. 

I would understand that we can't finish all of our food sometimes because we are sick or too full.

But if this is your habit. 

I would say kick this bad habit of yours.

It's sinful to waste food. 

Think about those who are dying to eat those food you have thrown away.

Don't abuse this right which is a luxury to others.

The feeling to this topic is especially strong to me today because I worked and saw the amount of food thrown away at the buffet dinner. 

There are just so many things in life that we should not do but we still do.

I don't know how many people would read this message of mine.

But if you do, please let's make a difference. 

Did you know...

In every 3.6 seconds, a person dies of hunger and 75% of them are children who have yet to grow and see the world?

So now, everyone. 

Stop wasting food today, alright? 

Thank you very much. 


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You must have felt uncomfortable working that day then. :(
I'm guilty of it so I'll try my very best to reduce food wastage now!
inspirit-beauty #2
i agree! yes ill remember that.. komawoyo! :)
countcain00 #3
yeah!!! i know how you work too, patients will just take 2-3 bites of food then throw it away...everybody just throw everything away and they will ask for snacks or whatever...they dont know there's alot of starving people around the world...