Got My GCSE Results Today.

I did better than I thought I would, I don't actually know if any of you care for this blog post but I wanted to share my results anyhow. Considering I didn't work no where near as hard as I could have I think I didn't do too bad... heck... I didn't fail anything~!

I got;

English Literature - B

English Language - B

Maths - B

Science - B

Science Applied - C

Graphics - B

Art - C [I expected to fail this one]

Photography - C [I expected to fail this one too]

Geography - C

CZ (half GCSE) - C

RS (half GCSE) - B

ICT (half GCSE) - C

So yeah, I didn't fail certain subjects which I thought I was going to fail and I got the grades I needed to be able to study A Levels. I know I didn't work as hard as I could have and I probably could have gotten a few A's if I'd done a heck of a lot more revision... if I'm being completely honest I barely did any. I was stressed... it's hard work doing GCSE's.
At least now I can clear my head and concentrate on the subjects I'm studying for A Level... cause we only have to do 4 now. I'm doing Graphics, Biology, Geography and Travel & Tourism in Sixth Form... hopefully I'll be able to focus more, I know I need to work a hell of a lot harder than I did in my GCSE's.

But yeah, congrats to everyone else who got their results today... hope everyone did as well as they'd hoped~! :D
Peace out.xx


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Congrats! So lucky unnie!