Application for Seasons

Character Name: Yoo Hyunmi
Age: 16
Birthday: February 27th
Ethnicity: Korean
Personality: When you first meet me, you'd think I'm shy and awkward, but when you get to know me, I'm nice and trusting (my friends think I'm too nice sometimes). I'm usually calm, cool, and collected in most situations, but I tend to be VERY sarcastic ^-^” I don't get angry easily but I get annoyed easily. I make friends easily and get along with almost everyone, but there are a few people who hate me (for some reason I don't know). I tend to get bored easily and say "geez chill" to people who are upset or angry. When people whine or complain, I whine with them to shut them up or I say “It’s okay to cry” as I pat their shoulder/back. I don’t like to fight but if I have to I will. I'm a bit of a sadistic, to be honest (I love to mentally torture my friends (=< ) I'm also a bit insecure and clumsy (actually I'm REALLY clumsy). =/ I’m sort of a “Go with the Flow” type of person.
I’m really playful and I like to play pranks on the other members, even if I get in trouble it’s worth it in the end ^-^ I’m always listening to music, even when I’m sleeping. Sometimes the people around me get annoyed that I listen to music 24/7 because I tend to sing without knowing. I’m a very patient person even though I get annoyed easily ^-^”
-playing tennis (I like to play tennis because it helps with my stress and its fun ^-^)

-taking walks (it calms me down when I’m stressed)

-listening to music


-writing (poems, fanfics, random stuff like that)
-doodling (I usually like to draw anime characters) 
-cracking almost every bone possible

-biting nails

-puffs cheeks when bored

-randomly breaks out into song/dance

-unconsciously rubs finger where ring is supposed to be if it’s not there
-always wearing socks (except in the shower)
-unconsciously singing when I’m listening to music
-anything cute
-candy (I have a severe sweet tooth ^-^)
-music (Since I listen to it 24/7 ^-^)
-the colors black, red, blue, purple, or neon colors (My favorite colors are black, blue, red, and purple and I like neon colors because they’re bright ^-^)
-pandas (I find them ADORABLE~)
-sleeping (I like to sleep because I never get enough of it, I usually only get about 4-5 hours)
-messing around (In other words, like pulling pranks and goofing off)
-Hello Kitty
-any kind of bug
-the dark (I’m scared of the dark)
-repeating myself (It’s annoying to me =/)
-annoying things/people
-when things are too quiet (There always has to be some sort of noise for me, I can’t sit in a dead quiet room)
-thunderstorms when I’m trying to sleep (The thunder wakes me back up =/)
-I hate when I can’t listen to music
-when my feet are bare (I always wear socks and it feels weird if I don’t have any on)
Which season are you?: Fall
Position: Lead Rapper//sub vocalist
Persona: The Calm Yet Sarcastic Rapper
Partner: Niel


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