School (wow... There must be a spam of school related blogs around this time of year XD)

If the title didn't make it obivious, I Have Started School. And yes, they did needed to be all capitalized. (f3 to all those maplers)

Also ahead of time, I didn't bother to check the spelling T_T Sorry to all the spelling nazis, I am ashamed to call myself that.

Sad news:

I'm taking a normal Algerbra II class D;

It's full of 11th graders and only have a small handful of 10th graders T_T

It's also going to be a slow class for me. Typical asian, but math is my best subject though I hate it. I find it very easy... o_o

I got lost to my second peroid class even though it was right next door to the first period room XD;;

My Chorus class is filled with people who don't want to sing and actually think they can get a good grade in there by just sitting t(-_-t)

My sister. She actually graduating! (Didn't expect it that soon... She's not stupid by the way!) Now who's going to cook for me?! D; I mean, she can make Kimchi Fried rice!

I couldn't study enough Kara to write finish the first chapter of my pokemon fanfic T_T Who in the kpop world is close to Nicole or is in Kara that is similar to a Bulabasaur or a pokemon that isn't Pikachu, Squrtile, or Charmader?

Good News:

My English class consist of five guys and 26 girls... I can't wait for debates in which is seperated by the es XD

My Engineering class I get to learn about Design problems - Energy and Power, Machine Control, Fluid Power, and Kinematics. For the majority who don't know what Kinematics is, it talks about Projectiles. That's all I got out of the teacher when she was talking about that subject XD

I get to take fashion design AND digital imaging :D

I'm pretty sure I'm going to be the smartest, or one of  the smartest, in my Algerbra II class. Which means I can probably get away with a bunch of stuff, even if the teacher can scream his mouth loud enough to be heard a couple doors down. (It's very true, I heard it from two classes down when I was in Geometry. It was during second period last year, but who scream that loud during the moring?!)

Thankfully, they didn't block allkpop or asianfanfics on the school network yet!


So... That was the overview of my first day of school. That is probably the only overview you'll get of my school XD

On another note, and a funnier one at that, my first period teacher, the english teacher, stole his wife's old room, the spanish teacher. XD


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I have school in 5 days. T_T
I'm going school supply shopping tomorrow and got my schedule today. ;_;
Hahaha omg. I had 5 guys in my geography class last year but one of them got moved to another class, so it was hilarious every time one of them we're away, the teacher would go like 'your class is missing 25% of its males.'
Phew I still have one more week.