

I feel a little sad today, so I wanted to write about it.

Life is blissful when you think you are the one 
Until that one person goes and tears you down

It's happened to me twice. You'd think that by the second time around I would've learned my lesson. But I got over the first, fixed myself, and started over, only to fall down again. History repeated itself. Again, here was that one guy I've liked since Day One. He was having trouble getting over a hurtful past, and presumably I helped him move on. Like before, he seemingly started showing interest, and then later I find out that he's completely moved on from his past and got himself another girl. I was a stupid bridge all over again. It wasn't his fault, it was mine; I was too assuming, and I paid the price. For the second time.


That one thing I owned, someone had to take
The one thing I had, my spirit had to break

I lost my phone in the airport. How pathetic, right? I wasn't careless, or maybe I was, but not in that sense. I wasn't waving my phone around and waiting for someone to snatch it. It was stashed in my bag properly. The taking was deliberate; it was theft. My mom said that the whoever took it probably did it because he needed it. I said he was stupid and go and work if he wanted a phone. My mom said that we could hope that whoever took it will be hounded by his conscience. I said that in this fallen and faulty world, people have started to lose their conscience. 

I loved that phone. It was a typical K-Pop fangirl's phone, filled with songs and pictures. I probably sound so shallow now, but that was my first phone ever. It had sentimental value. I never left it at home. I want it back, but that is just a false hope now.


Pointless things shouldn't be done
Yet here we are, doing some

I have two pending school projects due whenever. One is real, one is stupid because it's useless. I don't understand why we have to have two projects in one quarter, and the second one seemingly given just for the sake of doing something. I don't see its purpose, why the teacher wants it. I'm not lazy--I'm hardly lazy when it comes to projects--but I feel so uninspired and I just don't want to do it. It would probably affect my grade and put my position in the squad at risk, but...I don't know. I don't know what to do.


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