My abyss...

So I haven't been on longer than twenty minutes and I've hardly talk to anyone since I've gone into my sort-of absence ( or abyss as Lucky, static, and oxygen like to call it ) but I'll get back to a more "set" schedule soon haha ^^ I've started my summer classes and I'm trying to catch up the semester I missed so I've been kind of detached from everything,  I miss everyone on AFF so I'll be super happy when I get in the groove of things again :)


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MIA for all sorts of reasons, so's all good.<br />
ooh summer school. have fun with that, and when you finally get your groove (lol) hopefully we'll all be good for one of those spazz sessions =D
you've been swallowed by the abyss again ;A;.<br />
I hope you manage to catch up on all the work you've missed and hope to spazz with you soon !! seems like all four of us have been a little MIA these past weeks hehe