the future is yours✌-- | application form




welcome to hell ( HIIIIIII..... hehheheh.)

username: allyyoung
link: MA PROF.!!! XD
how ually active are you in aff?: 10!!!!!! OHHH YEEAHHH.... I am very ative... Ke.ekekeke.keke

hey i just met you  

name: Alexis Young
cute nicknames: Ally, Lexi

ethnicity: Half Korean,Half Filipino
happy birthday to you, i hope you drown in a pool:01/17/93
age: 19
birthplace: National City, San Deigo, California
 National City, San Deigo, California

- plot twist

pls pick two. label your bakcup as "backup choice" or something like that please.

" once upon a time..."1st choice!!!!
         what was your dream that got crushed into pieces?:  A World Reknown Violinist
         why was your dream crushed?: When Alexis had a huge performance coming up, she had recieved new that her father had recently passed due to diabetes (had a heart attack). Said performance was going to decide whether or not she was going to perform with Famous Musicians. She instantly went into a panic attack that made her go to the hospital. When she awoke, she had totally forgotten how to play the violin. She tried her best to remember everything she had learned practically half of her life. But, she failed. Her s were always wrong, and she had lost her sense of ear.( like how to know if you played the right note.)


" no is not the answer. " Back up

         why was your house fuq'd up?: Alexis constantly let them borrow money, drove them everywhere/ANYWHERE, took all the threats of them seriously hurting her. EX: When Alexis had " lost " her wallet, the others had ruined her credit cards leaving her with a load of debt. What did they spend it all on?...... Freakin LIP GLOSS!!!! and not even the good kind.. the y kind that gives you chapped lips all the time?.... yea... :c..


all about you gurlfrand ex0ex0

personality: Alexis is a very caring person. She tends to care for people as if they were family. She loves laughing at stupid and random things. The reason why she laughs is because if she's not smiling or laughing, she's crying. No one wants to cry, right? When she see's some hunched over crying, she knows EXACTLY how they feel so she gives up her own time just to try to make them smile.She'll go out of her way just to try to make someone else's day better

                       Futhermore, Alexis absolutely loves music. Her whole life revolves around it!  When she's had a bad day, she would usually lock herself in her room and just drown herself in music. At times she can be a little impatient with things when she's in a hurry, but she also loves to stop and just take a breather and listen to the sounds that flow all around her that form into music.

                 Adding on, Alexis has a hint of eccentricity, which means that she's slightly advanced in thinking and at times... she can be out spoken when she wants say something. One moment she wants to say what she has on her mind but the ideas of others seem to overpower her own. But she always knew that she was diffferent from others when she was younger.

likes: Music, Candy, plushies, Anime, Manga, SLEEPING, Rain, ICE CREAM, Music boxes, puppies, eating, Movies.
dislikes: Snobs, waking up early, Shrimp, Liars, really hot places, getting sick

habits: Being random, humming, spacing out, constantly fixing her hair, drinking a lot of tea 24/7
hobbies: Tai chi, playing violin( trying to get her "self" back ), cooking, baking , hanging out with her bestfriends. 
trivia: Alexis has A.D.D., sleeps with a piplup plushie, knows how to tell how a person's felling by looking into their eyes, feels wierd in a bikini, and can fall asleep in any postion.( hehehehehe.. XD )

that's what makes you beautiful

ulzzang: Lee Dasom
backup: Hye Jin
clothes: Just wears the style of the ulzzang. ( hehehe)
extra: She has two industrial ear piercings( one on each ear), two normal ear piercings, and one lip piercing( on leftside of lip )

good gull gone bad


Alexis' life consisted of music, friends and family. Everything was going awesome, until the family had recieved news on Young Jae-Sun, Alexis' father. Her father's death had left a huge gaping whole in the family, especially in Alexis' heart. Jay, her older brother had to work double shifts at his job to support his little sister and mom. Celia, Jay and Alexis' mother, also had to work double shifts as a maid.It's Good thing that the families house that Celia cleans are helpful and friendly. The family tries to keep a smile on their face, even when they feel the complete opposite on the inside. ^-^


Celia Young/Mother/Maid/ They have that Mother/ daughter relationship where one doesn't listen to the other, but still love each other.

Jay Young/ Older brother/ Graphic designer/ Love each other to death. They have their bicker fights though.. XD but what sibling relationship doesn't??

Young Jae-Sun/Father/Musician/ (Deceased) Alexis was a total daddies girl. The two both loved music and constantly tried to quiz each other about composers and music.

the michael phelps and justin biebers of your life

best friends:

Park Sandara| 27| Being able to relate to Alexis, She looked after her. She was the one who taught her Korean! They've been through thick and thin. When Alexis's father  had passed away, she too, felt like her father had died since she was close to Alexis' dad. The two were practically like sisters. They call each other whenever they get the chance to.

Lee Min Young|21| These two are unseperable! They goof off all time, making themselves look like complete weirdos. But they're okay with that because they love being weirdos! When one is having a bad day the other one is too.When one is going on a sugar rush, the other is the one that supplied the pixie dust. hahaha 

Dong Young Bae|24| They have that older brother/little sister relationship. He was there when Alexis woke up from her panic attack. He had brought her violin with him. He knew she would be worried about her " Baby". When he let Alexis give her violin a try, he noticed something different in his best friend. She had lost her ear in music. He spent day in day out, trying to get his bestfriend back to normal again.



Jessica Jung| 23 | The two met in a music shop that jessica's family owned. Jessica's the one who introduced Alexis to her "Baby" haha. Both love music.

somebody call 9-1-1

and none for gretchen weiners, bye.: 


why do you hate each other: They used to be childhood friends but that all changed when sooyoung had broken their pinky promise: To never hit or make the other cry.(When they were younger) She continuosly hit Alexis' with a brick one day when Sooyoung's father had informed her that she was going to change schools. She couldn't control her anger and just went all crazy on Alexis. Alexis ended up in the E.R. where she almost died. Alexis woke up crying and went into a panic attack. Sooyoung witnessed it all. When walked up to Alexis to apologize, Alexis lied there, with a dead-serious expression on her face. She asked if Sooyoung could please leave her room, and her life.

me plus you. ima tell you one time.

your bb: Yang Yoseob ( B2st)        Back-up: Kris ( EXO )


Yang Yoseob: He's random, hyper, and super kind. He loves to eat sweets and making people smile

Kris: He has that mysterious style that every girl likes. He's usually quiet and to himself. 

Yoseob: Really close Friends( Almost going out status)

Kris: Friends

before you go

comments: NAW GURRLLL!
suggest something:  A scene where the girls get into a huge fight.. over....... Ice cream... Just think about it... XD hahahaha
tell me your wish: Can you make a scene where Alexis is practicing her violin again and Yoseob is helping her with her ( On the violin of course... hehehehe...)

boss level:  Michael Phelps is so awesome, TVXQ RISING SUN



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