Cho Yun Hi
•About You•
† Your Age: 16
† Nickname: Jessi
† How often are you on? (scale of 1-10): 8
•About Your Character•
† Character Name: Cho Yun Hi
† Age and Birthday: 17; April 4th, 1995
† Ethnicity: Korean, Taiwanese
† Hometown: Incheon, South Korea
† Personality (e.x.: Minho is "Flaming Charisma"): Playful Fascination
† Languages: Korean, Taiwanese, Japanese, Chinese
•Your Image•
† Ulzzang Name: Jung Hye Won
† Pictures (5, link them please): 1 2 3 4 5
† Back up Ulzzang Name: Do Hwe Ji
† Pictures (5): 1 2 3 4
† Height 160 cm
† Style (e.x.: Chic, girly): Innocent, cutesy, modest.
† Piercings? Tattoos?: Pierced ears.
•Who Are You?•
† Personality (min. two paragraphs): Yun Hi is a very friendly, outgoing girl who, although is quite innocent and the complete opposite of risque, loves to take risks and put herself out there. She may seem shy at first, but once she breaks out of her shell, her true, clumsy, humourous self shines through. She never frowns, but instead puffs out her cheeks and does aegyo without realizing it. Yun Hi believes in purity and youth, never wanting to grow up. You could say she's childish at times, but she can be very mature at other times. She's booksmart, but not very streetsmart. People often compare her to Sungmin of Super Junior, or Sunny of SNSD, because of her cute face and loveable personality.
Living with an open mind is exactly what Yun Hi does. She only thinks with a positive mind, but accepts criticism and feedback with a good heart. Yun Hi also hates to see others sad, especially her friends. She will honestly do anything to cheer them up, even if it means humiliating herself in front of a huge crowd of people she may or may not know. Growing up in a sheltered family with no loss of family, besides a very old great-grandmother, Yun Hi doesn't think that bad things happen to good people. She sees only the best in people and sometimes trusts too easily. Her voice is pure and silky, light as a feather. Singing is her one and only passion, although she's an amazing dancer as well. When she sings and dances, she feels as though nothing can hurt her, and nothing can change.
Cho Yun Hi isn't just a naive, youthful girl though. She has a creative mind which comes up with great ideas, all the time. Her mom once told her that if she put Yun Hi in a box with her imaginitive mind, she could create a whole new world of her own. Yun Hi is very protective of her friends and family, and would sacrifice herself for them in a heartbeat. She hugs and shows skinship as a natural instinct around pretty much everyone. Overall, Cho Yun Hi is a bright and friendly, talented girl who loves to love and life itself.
† Parents: {Age | Name | Job | Hometown} Father: 47| Cho Chung-Ho| Art Teacher| Seoul, South Korea
Mother: 45| Cho Eun Sun| Cafe Owner| Chiayi, Taiwan
† Siblings ( max 3 and ONE can be famous): {Age | Name | Job (if applicable) | Hometown} Sister: 15| Cho Hea Jung| A/N| Incheon, South Korea
† Family background (min. 1 paragraph): Cho Yun Hi grew up in a loving, caring family that sheltered her from the outside world. Her younger sister and herself go to public school, although they were homeschooled for a while when they were younger. Yun Hi's appa is a very funny and nice man who works hard and enjoys his job; Yun Hi admires him more than anyone else in the world. Her mother can be strict, but is also open-minded and usually care-free, except for constantly worrying about her two daughters. Yun Hi grew up in a happy, small family with no cousins or aunts/uncles. Although her family is small, they all support and encourage each other in whatever path they choose.
† Likes/Dislikes (6+ each): Likes: fruit, anime, painting, swimming, singing, dramas, hopscotch, iced mochas, animals, thunderstorms, and snow.
Dislikes: harsh winds, sadness, change, most sports, insects, tornadoes, most meat, and impatience.
† Talents and Hobbies (5+ each): Talents: Painting, sculpting, swimming, singing, dancing, and school.
Hobbies: Collecting seashells, late-night walks, shopping, burning cds, writing, and cleaning.
† Habits (3+): Puffs out cheeks, constantly, especially when she's nervous or worried; bites her lip whenever she's embarrassed or speechless; taps her fingers on any solid surface, like the beat of a drum, when she's bored; hums showtunes at random times when she's nervous or happy.
•Who Do You Know?•
† Idol Friends (3+): MBLAQ's SeungHo, f(x)'s Luna, F.T. Island's HongKi, Super Junior's Siwon, CN Blue's MinHyuk, f(x)'s Sulli, CN Blue's Yonghwa, Super Junior's Kangin, Super Junior's Heechul, SHINee's Jonghyun
† Your Best Friend (one): f(x)'s Amber
† Your Rival (one): Dara of 2NE1
† Why is she/he your rival?: Cheondung had a crush on Dara for the longest time before they dated, something happened which caused them to break up, but Dara still hangs around him; much more than to Yun Hi's liking.
•Love Is Of Many Splendid Things•
† Love Interest and of what Band: Cheondung (Thunder) of MBLAQ
† Age: 20
† Relationship Status: {Secretly Dating/Dating/Close Friends/Crushing/Strangers} Crushing
† How did you guys meet?: Seungho invited Yun Hi to an afterparty of one of their shows, and she met the whole band, but one guy really caught her attention. Eventually, they began talking and hit it off right away.
† Back Up Love Interest: Yonghwa of CN Blue
† Age: 21
† Relationship Status: Close Friends
† How did you guys meet? Through the drummer of CN Blue. He introduced Yun Hi to his band one day when he needed a ride to band practice.
•Where You Stand•
† What position do you want? Highlight your first choice PINK and second BLUE
--Lead Vocalist
--Lead Dancer
--Main Vocalist or "Power" Vocal
--Main Rapper
--Sub Rapper and Sub Dancer
--Jack Of All Trades
† Who are you to your band mates? (E.x. Umma, Diva):  Naive, Loyal Child
† Why do you want to be in Byu-T? And give me a good reason: I want to be in Byu-T because I've never been accepted into one of these before, and they look really fun! Also, I'm still not very experienced on AFF, so I think this would be a good thing to try out. And it just looks fun. ^.^
† Any Questions?: Ani.
† Throw me an idea for a Fandom Name and Color for Byu-T: Beauties? (My mind isn't the most reliable right now. Mianhe.) And a light, rosy pink.
† Password: 2Min


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