I Need Help app

Alexis Jane Kwon

Username/Link: KISSmeBecca

I Am...

Name: Alexis Jane Kwon
Nickname: AJ, Alex, or just Alexis
Age: 17
Birthdate: April 4
Ethnicity: half Korean, half British
Birthplace: London, England
Hometown: Busan, South Korea
Occupation: Student at Busan High School
Languages: Korean, English
Blood Type: AB
Height: 160 CM
Weight: 49 KG
Ulzzang Name: Hong Young Ki
Ulzzang Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
Backup Ulzzang Name: Jung Hye Won (pic)
Style: (please ignore the faces~ >.<)

Casual: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Dressy: 1 | 2 | 3

Formal: 1

Workout: 1 | 2

This Is Me

Personality Before Disorder: Before her disorder, Alexis was very talkative. She used to be very socialable and would hug all of her friends, both guys and girls. She liked hugs. She and her dad used to do a lot of things together, like go to parks and spend father-daughter time.
Personality During Disorder: She doesn’t talk as much and, when she doesn’t want to talk, she’ll write down her response. She only is talkative with her close friends. She hates it when guys hug her and will shy away from them. She tends to want to stay at home and not leave, unless she absolutly has to.



-being with people she trusts completely

-composing music


-video games

-most of her schoolmates

-mirrors (refuses to look at one unless it’s necessary)

-Country music (exception song is The House That Built Me)



-when her notebook has no more blank pages

-Composing music


-Walking in the park

-Writing short stories

-If extremely tired, will cry

-If unconfident in answering a question, will avoid eye-contact

-Zones out when bored

-Favorite candy is 3 Musketeers

-Favorite food is

-Always has honey mustard salad dressing on her salads

-Ring tone is Angels by Within Temptation

-Favorite English band is Within Temptation

-Favorite American is Evanescence.

Favorite color is dark purple

My Relationships

Mother: Christine “Chrissie” Evans | 43 | British | Elementary School Teacher (English) | Christine treats AJ with softness, even when she is mad at her. Christine is always the one who Alex talks to when something is wrong, but lately that has dwindled to nearly nothing.
Father: Minwoo Kwon | 42 | Korean | Military General | Minwoo tends to act like a general often at home, so if AJ doesn’t do something the way he wants it done, he yells. He has his soft spot, which is when AJ seems upset about something; however, AJ never talks to her dad about her problems.
Sibling: Marissa “Rissa” | 13 | half Korean, half British | Student | Marissa is one of the few people that AJ will talk to. Though they have their sibling arguments, Rissa will fight to keep her older sister safe from any more pain, or at least she’ll try to.
Background: Alexis Jane was born in London, England on April 4 and was a "Honeymoon Baby". Her sister was born on October 13 and was also born in London. She moved to South Korea when she was 12 and when Rissa was 9. For a while, they lived in Seoul with her father's parents. Soon, her nightmares began; her grandfather started to abuse her when she was 13. For the longest time, she kept it to herself, since her grandfather threatened to kill her sister. After going through this for 2 1/2 years, her dad was restationed to Busan, so they moved. Because she kept quiet about her grandfather, when they moved she slowly isolated herself from everyone. The first person she told what happened was MinAh, who immediantly told Minwoo and Christine. Minwoo didn't believe them at first, but noticed that in previous visits to his parents' that his father acted very strange around Alex. Christine, on the other hand, believed her eldest daughter right away. AJ went to court only once about this and her grandfather was sent to jail for 2 weeks, after AJ and her family lowered the charges. They also filed a restraining order on him to keep him away from AJ and her family. However, she still slipped into her depression little by little and only allowed her mother, Marissa, Nina, and MinAh into her isolation.
(Best)Friend(s): Nina Kim | 17 | Student at Busan High | Nina is very hyperactive and socialable. She is always trying to get Alex to get more friends. She is also athletic, being a cheerleader and on the tennis team. She is constantly trying to get Alex to see that she is pretty. | Close friend

MinAh Lee | 18 | Student at Busan High | MinAh seems like the type of girl who would be stuck up and care for no one but her self. Who ever thinks that, is dead wrong. She is very caring and sometimes overprotective over her two best friends. If you mess with her or her friends, be prepared for a storm. Because Daehyun is always a bully to AJ, they often fight, sometimes with fists. | AJ’s (rich?) cousin and best friend
Rival: Daehyun | 17 | Student | He is only nice to his friends. He loves to bully AJ just for laughs. When it comes to AJ, he doesn’t care about her feelings. | Worst Enemy

I’m Sick

What disorder do you have? Depression | Anorexia | Bulimia | Other
How did you develop the disorder? She was abused by her grandfather, someone she thought she could trust.
How long have you been sick? 1 1/2 year
How long have you been seeking treatment? 6 months (which was when she finally told someone)
Has it gotten any better since starting treatment? Yes | No
Degree of disorder: Minor | Minor-Medium | Medium | Medium-Major | Major
What do you do to ease the pain? She has attempted suicide twice. Other than that, she listens to her music and blocks reality out.
What do you hate about yourself?

-Thinks she can’t stand up for herself

-Thinks she looks ugly (one reason for that is that the guys at her school tend to pretend to flirt with her, and she KNOWS this)

-Feels like she can’t do anything right

-Feels too self-conscience, like people are only looking at her body and not her personality

-Thinks she messes up often and rarely gets things right

-Thinks it’s her fault her family is the way it is (her parents ignoring her grandfather, slight tension when her grandmother visits, ect.)

-Thinks her music is really bad and that she can’t express her feelings clearly through it

-Not confident
What do you like about yourself?

-Is good with children (she’s a lot like her old self)


-Good actress when needed (considering she’s kept her secret for a year)
What IS good about you?

-She rarely messes anything up and gives 110% without even trying.

-Very pretty, inside and out

-Always finds a way to cheer someone up

-Is extremely good at composing music

-Has a pretty singing voice

-Though she didn’t consciencly, she protected her sister from their grandfather by finally speaking out.
Who signed you up for this show and why? Her best friend, who is also her cousin, and her younger sister.

Help Me

Mentor: Tao | EXO
Mentor Personality: Tao is very Conservative and has the most aegyo in EXO. He is also very emotional and sensitive.
How do you interact with each other? Alexis tends to keep quiet, using her small notebook to communicate with Tao. Tao is trying to get Alexis to talk to him, but he tries to be patient with her. So, long story short, a little awkward
First Meeting: AJ was running from some guys from her school. What they wanted, she was unsure of, but she was scared (BIG time). She ran into Tao and caused him to fall. Once Tao saw what was going on, he protected AJ.
Backup Mentor: Sehun | EXO
Backup Mentor Personality: He is shy at first, but once you get to know him then he’s more lively. He is also playful and can’t seem to sit still.
How do you interact with each other?: Alexis talks to him very little, but she gets a little more talkative as each day passes. Sehun lets Alexis talk when she wants, knowing that she needs to learn to trust him little by little.
First Meeting: Sehun was separated from his group when they were randomly visiting Busan. Though she didn’t talk much and was very timid at first, AJ helped him out.


Requested Scenes: When she meets Tao? :3
Did I miss anything?: uhhhhh…. I dunno…. Did you? lol
Comments/Questions: tell me if something is missing~~


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