The Daddies and Mommies Season 1 App



USERNAME: Rainie12

NAME: Kim Yunji

Age: 18

Partner: Boyfriend's Kwangmin or Younngmin


Yunji is a shy girl at first look but she's actually the opposite. She is very cheerful and hyper. If she hears a song she likes, she'll dance it wherever she is. She is very moody, sometimes happy then sad then she becomes sttuborn and stressed. But all in all, she's a very caring and helpful person. She likes playing with kids but doesn't like washing the baby's . Since birth she plays with kids and even do charities but she never do the cleaning work. It's a miracle if she'll do that. She is a lovable daughter and baby sister too. She is very humorous and claps when someone made a super funny joke. She was loved by the people around her for what she is.

Ulzzang pic: Name: Park Seul Ki

Family background:

Their family is just a medium-earning family. Not too rich. Not too poor. They are happy to be together but their parents has to go to La because of business. But the kids didn't want to go. Yunji wants to be and idol too so she wants to stay. Her big brother also wants to stay so their parents said goodbye and hugged their kids. It was hard for the two siblings to live by themselves but it was worth it.

Love life details:

They have been seeing each other on music shows BUT they will just eye on each other and nothing else. At the Daddies and Mommies Season 1,The couple is very awkward to each other at first. They only talk if they need something. It was like they are "new classmates" in school. Cause it was so new to them to take care of the cute baby. But as the time goes by, they are easily having fun and playing with each other. They also play with the baby together not like before where they just took turnns taking care of the baby.

Pic of your baby:

Name of the baby:

Lee Soo-jin

Family or team name:

SHINee Family

The Popping Family

Romeo, Juliette and Baby!

How do you take care of your baby:

At first, they were messy all over. What would you expect from a Dad and Mom who are teenagers? The problems starts with the ccouple since they are not yet talking a lot and they are just eyeing each other. So in short, the first week was terrible. The "wahing the baby" moment came to Yunji as that was her turn to wash the baby. Instead of washing the baby, she cried and said Sorry to the baby because she's feeling like she's a bad Mommy. Thay was the time that the couple finally talked as Taemin comforted the teen mother. Taemin is  very kind. Instead of making Yunji wash the baby, they both did and enjoyed splashing water at each other. The next week was better and they can say that they can handle the baby that time. They took care of the baby and gave it love and enjoynment.


-Cherry blossoms

-Winter hats

-Cute cellphone designs with swarovski stones


-Heart shape

-Clean rivers




-Dead Body


-Bugs and insects

-Wahing baby's


-Eye Smiling


-Winking at camera

-Jumping up and down


-Listening to music

-Dancing on empty places or parks

-Playing tennis


-Baking cookies




After school Lizzy


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