kimjonghyunxshinsekyung=the perfect couple!!

i am gonna join the trend, & blog about jjong & sekyung

first of all, kim jonghyun, i am telling you, i am proud of you, what you have done, has made me respect you even more. You have the courage to stand up and tell everyone! You are one of the few kpop stars that i sincerely and truly respect.

secondly, you dont know how much i want to tell you that you two match, you two are definately the perfect couple [question to all the shawols out there, what is their couple called? jongkyung?] oppa,  i am really happy for you, finding the girl that you love. I hope that you two will last forever and ever, and i understand that your love is going to be tough, but please endure it!!!

thirdly, YA! kim jjong oppa, you better treat se kyung unnie nicely, or i will hunt you down & murder you [now blingers, dont bash me] i seriously hate guys who cheat and treat girls badly; i dont care who you are, & i dont care how much i love you, if you hurt her, read my lips or actually, read my words, I WILL NOT FORGIVE YOU! you hear me oppa?

forthly, sekyung unnie, please take care of our jjong oppa ^^ unnie, can i tell you how pretty you are? cause you are ^^

okay, i am tired of the number thing, i am just gonna write

jjong oppa, promise me one more thing, dont give less attention to you leader dubu, minho dongsaeng, key dongsaeng and taemin maknae just because you have a girlfriend, you have to treat all five of them equally the same!!!

jjong oppa, one more thing, i hope you are happy

okaaay now to the shawols, especially the blingers

I am glad that many of you support the couple ^^ `high fives` but i am also really disappointed at those who are antis. I know how you all feel, cause i am experiencing it too, i cried for a while too, but i know that my dreams are not real, sekyung unnie is real. SO STOP BASHING SEKYUNG UNNIE, you dont want me to hunt you down! <-- yes this is a threat :D let us all SUPPORT them, okaaay?

i am now gonna tell you how i felt when i saw the article:

as usual, i opened allkpop and guess what i saw..yeap you guessed it right, the article about jjong dating! immediately, i opened the link, and started reading....

first reaction: cry

5min later: starts awwwing at the cute couple

10min later: starts getting out of control & dances in front of the computer

5min later: calms down and goes to SHINee's fanboard & other fansites

i saw sooo many antis that i got really upset...i cried again, WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO JJONG OPPA AND SEKYUNG UNNIE? they didnt do anything wrong, except for being the perfect couple

 i was just thinking, why are you saying stuff like that, if you are a true shawol, you would support them no matter what, support their decisions no matter what, okay face reality, they are all going to get married someday [yes even minho oppa, i will face that too] honestly, they are just human, like every single one of us, they all have the right to love someone who they truly love


anyways, i have stated my point of view, bash me if you want, agree with me, whatever..[i prefer the latter] just think before you go bash jjong oppa and sekyung unnie




the everflaming princess


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haha i am crazy, but i know how to face reality<br />
i will continue to dream, and until the day i die, i will still remember this dream that i had when i was young, and the love i had for him<br />
i dont care if he knows me or not, let alone likes me...i will still support him and love, and all i want is him to be happy
haha so you're not as crazy as me, eh? i'm still not losing hope that someday eunhyuk and i will cross paths and i'll make him fall madly in love with me... HAHAHA ok i'm getting crazy. i'm hopeless, i know.
umma, dont worry, i wont bash anyone<br />
i understand the fact that minho oppa doesnt know my existance, and many people likes him
i heard dara has a crush on minho :)
lolol; i'll probably cry a lot if minho has a girlfriend :( but i'll eventually face reality, and sincerely wish them all the best with my heart
yes if they're diehard fans, they should be happy if their idols happy! (unless it's eunhyuk having another girl, of course, i'll definitely track her down. hahaha kidding!)
thankyou umma for agreeing with me<br />
they look so cute together aye?<br />
to be honest, antis should seriously open their minds, i know you love jjong, but so do i & if i can open my mind, everyone should be able to<br />
haha so the news got to you already huh? i think they look very good together too! they're so cuddly and sweet to each other! and it's refreshing to finally see some young stars admitting to being in relationships rather than denying everything when the evidence is clear... i really hope the antis would open their minds and be happy for their idol..