The American Stereotype and K-Pop on YouTube

You know what a great feeling it is to see K-Pop on the front page of YouTube. A few years ago, no Americans knew anything about Korean pop culture. Of course, there were a few but compared to then, right now there are so many! It honestly makes me really happy that K-Pop is becoming so global and that all the artists that worked to hard to get where they are are finally getting the attention they deserve; and not just from Korea but from all over the world! 

But then I read through the comments on these videos and I see all this hate and racism. People write things like "Look at those f*gs!" on male group videos. On female group videos, the hate comments usually have something to do with their lack of singing ability. A lot of these comments even go as far as to say that America is so much better and "those damn Chinese" think they can be cool just by trying to be like America. 

This pissees me off more than anything! Americans are the most close-minded people I have ever met. This is why other countries think poorly of Americans! The people who are too young to be involved in politics don't care about what out government does as much as they notice how Americans behave. 

I once talked to this boy in New Zealand and after a long conversation he said to me, "Wow, you're really smart and nice! I always thought all Americans were obnoxious and idiotic, but I guess there are some who aren't." Did I take this as a compliment? No! I took this as "everyone hates America". He even went as far as to give me reasons for why he never thought highly of Americans the reason he stressed the most was what I described in the previous paragraph: closed-mindedness. 

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Americans. I just happened to notice that most of the racist comments on K-Pop videos were from Americans. And no, I am not bashing all Americans because I know that a lot are really sweet and smart and accepting. It's just the ones who aren't that piss me off. And apparently the bad outnumber the good in this case because we have earned a stereoype that we are all loud, obnoxious, and narrow-minded. 

I'm not trying to change the world here, I just needed to get this out of my system so I don't blow up at my nationalistic father tonight at dinner. This is really long for a blog post, but I feel so much better now. As much as I want to go post this on some patriotic site, I think that would be an awful idea because I honestly don't want any fights.

I love you, my fellow AFFers, because you accept this and don't immediately look down on me because I listen to "weird music that isn't even English so it's awful". 

If you disagree with me, that's ok. In fact, that's great! I'd love to hear your opinion in a civil manner


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