
So, I just got a dog, Yorkie full breed. He was abandon by the owner and they were going to put him down if they didn't find him an owner so, I took him. His name is Spike, but....for a small dog, it doesn't suit him. And I kinda need help with names for the dog...i'm actually looking through bands to find him a name. I wanted to name him Roo/like the kangaroo in Winnie The Pooh hehehe;;/ but, my mom didn't like it...all the names I have used, she disagreed on =.=;;

I have used






And nothing works.

I'm just trying to be creative but, nope. She wants an american. So I'm going threw korean bands and looking at there stages name/most of there stage names are american...if I'm not wrong.../

You guys don't mind helping me with a name...right?;;


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Hmmm American names... She doesn't want TOP does she? =P How about... Key? Umhmuhum Kevin? From U-Kiss! Ooooh!! MAX!! MAX-----SHIM CHANGMIN! Lol sorry got a little excited there. That's all I got! Sorry!