What I want to say to my BFFs

*sigh* i never told any of my bffs that i had a boyfriend and everything that happened....=break up


BFF Number 1

How should I say this..

I dated the guy you use to like....

But i broke up with him..

And...i'd like to say that...ITS A BIG MISTAAAKKKEE in the first place

Im telling you this so it wont happen to you

Im sorry


BFF Number 2

We dated

I broke up with him

And now YOU think he likes and flirts with you. 

WHICH is NOT true... =___=



BFF Number 3

...I didnt tell you thiiiss beforeeee

im sorryyyy

but I had a boyfriend...you knoooww who he is...

But we broke up...

im sooorrrryyyyy!! D: 



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