Application for l o v e ♡ p i l l


username ♡ elf_verl

profile link ♡ HERE<3

character name ♡ An Yonni

nicknames ♡ Blur-Kitty, because she is rather blur, and because of Yonni's passion for cats.

ethnicity ♡ Full Korean

birthdate ♡ 13th Nov 1996

age ♡ 18 years old


highschool ♡ Seoul High School

part time jobs ♡ She volunteers her time at animal shelters

extra ♡ She is very bad and sports. However, she is in the school's Photography Club


personality ♡ She is a kind and innocent girl who always think of the best of others. She doesn't mind being taken advantage of, but she gets very angry when people lies to her. Being the only child at home, Yonni loves making friends. This is also because of the fact that she gets very jittery when left alone. A typical girl, she loves pretty and girlish things, and all animals. However, she is a very shy girl who does not take initiative in knowing other people. She always wait for others to make the first move. She can be very indecisive, and tend to keep her woes and worries to herself.

likes Cats, Being with her friends, Going for walks, The great outdoors, and Daydreaming

dislikes ♡ Butterflies, Liars, Bullies, Abusers, Bitter Food, Angry people

hobbies ♡ Singing, Photography, Hanging out with her friends, Doing woodcraft

habits ♡ When Yonni is happy, she gets very hyper, and wears a bright smile constantly on her face. When she is tired, she tend to become quieter and less active. When she is sad, she will well up in a corner and cry, then eat a HUGE cup of strawberry ice-cream. When she is angry, she will make water bombs and throw them at trees to vent her anger. Yonni is very sensitive to the moods of the people around her. She seems to have an innate ability to sense the emotion of others. She knows exactly when to keep quiet or when to cheer someone up.

family background ♡ Yonni's family is just like a normal family. Her father is a businessman, running his own small enterprise while her mother is a middle school teacher. They are a loving family who will go on family trips together.


appearance ♡ Kim Shin Yeong

style ♡ Yonni is a girlish girl who have love for ribbon, laces, and light colours. Therefore her fashion style follows that of Japanese and Korean styles. She loves to wear dresses, skirts and high heels, cuteness is her call. Casual 1 | Casual 2 | Casual 3 

height ♡ 165 cm

extras ♡ None


your first love ♡  Sungmin- Suju

his age ♡ 18 Years old

his personality ♡ Quiet but understanding. Sungmin is a very quiet boy who tends to keep to himself due to shyness. He only opens up to his close friends and family. With them, he becomes a bubbly boy who loves to do aegyo to make them happy. He is quick to understand the pains that others felt, but slow to share his.

your love story ♡ They met each other through friends, and Yonni fell in love with his gentle personality, and Sungmin fell in love with her shy cheerfulness. They got together naturally because of mutual attraction, and the relationship they share was stable, but loving. They are both shy to openly display attractions, opting to show their love for each other through more subtle actions like taking care of each other, and chatting.


the school flirt Leeteuk- Suju

his age ♡ 18 years old

his personality ♡ He is a bright and sunny person who seems to be able to light up any room that he steps into. Caring and gentle, he is nice to everybody that he meets. Your typical Mr-Nice-Guy. He's also humorous and witty, and is able to see the light in even the darkest thing. He is also very determined when it comes to matters that he holds dear in his heart, showing his do-or-die attitude. He loves to laugh and spend 90% of his time either smiling, laughing, or talking. However, cross him once and he will never ever forget it. Because of his good looks and glib tongue, he is able to attract a lot of attention in school. He spends his time flirting with the many girls, and enjoys the attention he gets back in return from them.

your relationship ♡ Leeteuk is in the same class as Yonni, and he is very entertained by the fact that this girl not only ignores his flirtings, she even seems a little afraid of him. In reality, Yonni is a little wary of Leeteuk as she feels that he seemed to be harboring evil thoughts and is too flamboyant for her liking. However, as days goes by, he still keeps trying to get closer tio her, and she is beginning to get attracted to his unique laughter and his cheerfulness. Meanwhile, Leeteuk was deeply attracted by this girl who is so different from all the others that he had met before.


who do you end up with ♡ The flirt, because Yonni realised that what she truly need was not a guy that she could rely on, but also one that could keep the cheerfulness in her life going. 


trivia ♡ Blood type: A, and Yonni loves to wear long, dangling earrings.

extra/comments/requests ♡ Can you include love confession scenes? And, please choose me haha! BTW, Kudos to you for coming up with such interesting plots!





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